Chapter 7:Attack and Raid on priests

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Priest Temple)

Two days after Suna's destruction Natsumi now comes here to a priest temple destroying everything and everyone in sight. As she swinged her fist with a white bubble around it creating another earth quake destroying the area around her.

She shot spider webs at the monks and priests who had sutras. After she did that she unleashed her hair hook tendrils to rip them like paper. Then breathed a chilly ice breath at a group making them freeze solid as she stomped the ground making the frozen statues fall and shatter.

She hefted up her executions blade and coated it in earthquake power and unleashed a arc slash of quake to destroy the temple splitting it in two. Killing every monk and priest alike in there. Turning to her left she looked at the destruction she caused seeing the many dead priests, monks and samurai who were also stationed here to protect but were killed as well.

She walked inside the temple to find what she was looking for.

More and More priests who survived tied to attack her with their staves and sutras only for her to avoid them and hack them in a savage way with her sword cleaving them.

8 more Monks guarded the Gate shaking in fear at seeing Natsumi.

"St-Stay Back!" Cried a Monk who is shaking in fear seeing Natsumi's appearance as she was covered in blood all over her white morning dress.

She narrowed her eyes at them and lashed out multiple blue ribbons around their necks and strangled them.

Natsumi then crashed in the doors having found what the Monks were keeping from her.

Several prized Yokai Items for her to use. To conquer the elemental nations.

And only two were present.

The Mask of Tarakudo along with the sword of the dead Sounga. She grasps both items as the Sword itself chosen her as it's wielder. She then glanced at the Mask of Tarakudo and absorbed all of its power so that she can have control of ALL tribes of the Shadowkhans. After draining the mask of its power she dropped it and stomped on it destroying Tarakudo along with his mask. Since she has all of its power to control all Shadowkhans to do her bidding.

Smiling having pleased with herself she leaves the destroyed area and heads back to Uzu.

( Konoha Atm)

Others were very worried. After hearing what has became of Suna the villagers of Konoha feared that she will target them or perhaps another village since she massacred Suna.

"What can we do...?" Asked Tsunade who was very worried about all of this.

"I have no clue... she's not herself.. the fact is we don't know why she's doing all of this... she killed her own Sensei, and her two teammates.

"I'll have to consult with the toads... damn it... how did everything go to SHIT!" Yelled Jiraiya in frustration truly afraid and nervous of what became of his god daughter.

( Meanwhile at Iwa)

Onoki who glanced at his council along with his grand daughter. They too were disturbed by Suna's destruction by a single person! A Woman! Single handily destroyed Suna!

"What should we do should she attack our village Onoki-sama?!" Says a Anbu commander

"I am not sure. We can't afford to lose our people. We already lost so many Shinobi in the last Shinobi war thanks to Konoha's Yellow flash! He snarled feeling sweat appear on his forehead.

"Deploy platoons of Anbu on every border! If she's spotted! Tell them not to engage and report back here immediately to protect the village. Evacuate everyone to safety. Bring me both Han and Roshi. Those two are going to fight that menace." Onoki says

"But what happens should they fail?" Asked a Iwa Jonin with everyone going silent at that not sure how to answer that.

"If it comes to that. Then we will have to fight this threat ourselves and evacuate all our villagers." Onoki declared clearly feeling in fear of what's possibly coming.

Kiri wasn't too busy in a middle of a war between the rebels. To show any concern about a new threat that could possibly come to them later on.

( Kumo)

Just like Iwa. Kumo was on high alert after they heard the news of what happened to Suna.

The Raikage Ay scowled. Looking from his window down at his village. His assistant Mabui walked in along with Durai.

Ay didn't even turn to them, knowing who was In his office.

"Is everything set Durai?" Ay asks

"Yes Raikage-sama. I deployed all troops on every Border of lightning country. Yugito and your brother Bee are on Standby as you commanded." Darui reported

"Good work.. if this fails we already have all Shinobi ready should she come here.." He says balling up his massive fists.

( Sound Village)

"How unfortunate that Suna is destroyed by a single person..." Says Orochimaru who glared. He had planned on getting an alliance with Suna in the future for his plot to destroy Konoha for the future Chunin exams.

Whoever this threat is. He hopes he could persuade him or her to his side and probably take possession of its body.

He grew more curious on who this person was and he wanted him or her very badly and claim the body.

Surely his spies will tell him soon on who this is.

( Uzu)

She has returned glancing Uzu that's currently in ruins. She raised her hand summoning thousands of Shinobi Khan as they bowed to their new empress.

"I order you all to go rebuild Uzu in its former glory." She commanded as they all went to go do as commanded to rebuild Uzu in great shape as she unsheathed Sounga the sword of the dead and did a simple swing of the sword awakening her dead Uzumaki kin who are corpses making it her powerful undead army to serve her new empire.

"What do you think Haku-kun." She says turning over to her loyal slave who looked at her with blank eyes.

"It's wonder Natsumi-sama." He replies looking at completely controlled by her will and is forever under her control as her drone, her lover and slave. He's bonded to her for the rest of his life while he is slowly converting into a Yokai himself.

Glancing at her many armies of the dead, she has awakened with her new weapon. She can summon up a mass legion to invade the Elemental countries in a span of a week.

But that would be too easy. One by one, she'll take them. She'll destroy each village and take their Jinchuriki and liberate them, and possibly have them under her control should they not see things her way once she turns everything into paradise.

Who could possibly stop her now.?

She will get the One Tails Jinchuriki to join her on her conquest to conquer everything. And if he refuses, she could just put him and his tailed beast under her control if he doesn't see things her way.

There are other Jinchuriki that she needs for her grand plan. She wants them apart of her paradise.

And the closest Jinchuriki she'll target next is the Three tails and Six tails in Kiri.

Then go after the 7 tails.

But for now she's going to lay low and convince Gaara and his tailed beast to join her.

To be continued

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