S2 Ch 6: The Hotel Dream

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The ride was quiet. The St Regis was only about six blocks away so Cae had little time to try and get herself under control. She focused on her breathing, trusting that she wasn't alone with someone else driving, and reminded herself over and over <this isn't a Ralph situation, this isn't a Ralph event>

To her right Yoongi was on his phone texting someone and making little "hmm" noises, to her left Jin had his head back on the seat and was watching the early morning scenes as they glided up 3rd Street. Yoongi closed his phone and reached into his bag. He pulled out a room keycard and handed it to Cae.

"38th floor, turn left when you exit the elevator. Presidential Suite, it's the only one on that side of the hotel. We'll go in separately. Do you want to go in first?"

Cae debated which would be less like her experiences with Ralph in hotels, and shook her head. "No, you first please."

Jin turned his head quickly and looked at her. "No running away, Cadence."

She looked at him, surprised. That hadn't even occurred to her.

"I won't, I mean I wouldn't have, it's just ...... to be alone and then ..... here." She handed him her phone. "Security deposit."

"Can I have your car keys?" Yoongi asked. Cae shook her head hard. She just couldn't. She knew why he was asking but she couldn't let go of that security. "Ok. Promise me you will not drive tonight, Cadence."

"I promise," she said quietly.

The car pulled into the security gate of the privacy entrance and stopped at the unmarked elevator. Yoongi leaned forward and slid open the privacy glass, spoke briefly to the driver, and then slid it closed again. The driver got out and walked over to the elevator, pushing the call button. Cae realized that they were going to get out of the car and she would be sitting there with the driver - alone. Her heart rate sped up and she tried to focus on breathing evenly, closing her eyes.

Yoongi spoke quietly to her. "We'll go up, and you can wait five minutes or so, then follow us. The driver will wait by the elevator until you go, ok?"

She nodded, grateful Yoongi had figured out at least part of her concerns. They got out and headed to the elevator, disappearing behind the polished steel doors. She looked at her phone, watching the minutes pass, practicing breathing, forcing herself to not remember.


In the elevator Jin and Yoongi looked at each other.

"What could possibly have happened to her to make her so frightened?" Jin blinked rapidly trying to avoid tears.

"I don't know hyung but you have to go very slowly, that fooling around on the couch was an exception I think."

"Yah, how do you know about that?"

Yoongi scrunched up his nose. "I opened the door to see if you were ready to come into the lounge. The door is silent, remember? Also you both were really distracted."

Jin's ears turned red. He flipped at the back of his hair. "Ah, ok."

"I closed the door as soon as I saw you were baepsae." Yoongi nudged him affectionately.

Jin stuck his hand in the pockets of his jeans and looked up at the ceiling, a small smile starting.

"It seemed pretty intense -"

"It was very intense." He kept his eyes on the ceiling.

"Hong Kong?"

"Dae." Jin's voice was a whisper.

"Both of y-"

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