Section 3 Chapter 14b: 203 Steps to Brightness

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It took them an hour and a half to make the ascent. Cadence did her best but the slash on her side slowed her down. She felt guilty and uncomfortable because of it but DalleSoon never gave an indication that it bothered him. He helped her often but always broke the physical contact as soon as she had her balance again. He was a perfect gentleman, albeit very quiet.

They emerged from the edge of the forest onto the bright sunlight of the parking area, startling a few people. DalleSoon guided Cadence to a bench and pulled out more water, handing her one along with a container of sliced melon. He reached into the backpack again and brought out sliced Parmigiano and a bag of pretzel sticks. He sat next to her with a hard exhalation.

"You brought such an unusual combination of snacks, but they all go perfectly well together. It's delicious, thank you."

She held out the container of melon to him, offering him the first piece. He shook his head.

"You are older, you should eat first."

"You outrank me. I acquiesce to you."

"Ah, this again?." He tried to keep his voice pleasant but he was annoyed. <Just eat the damn fruit.> He took two slices out, and handed one to her.

The sharpness of the cheese against the sweetness of the melon with the saltiness and crunch of the pretzels was a perfect refreshing snack. After another bottle of water, Cadence felt almost recovered. Her side hurt like crazy though, and she laid her hand across it and shifted slightly.

"How does it feel?" DalleSoon asked quietly when he caught the movement out of the corner of his eye.

"It hurts. But I'll be fine."

"When we get to the top we can get you an ice pack. That will help."

Cadence just nodded, wondering if she was going to make it to the top. She pulled out her phone to check the time - 2:45 - and was pleased to see she had full bars now.

"I'll be right back." DalleSoon walked toward the restrooms.

Cadence quickly opened her phone to send a text.


hello Seokjin-ah.

when you have a moment,

please tell me what this means:

i see you as a woman.

followed by:

i am a man, you

are a woman.



When DalleSoon returned, Cadence went to the restroom herself. She tried to wash out some of the blood from her tank top, scrunching it in the sink, but it had dried and was not coming out. She buttoned up her hiking shirt instead and used the damp tank top to pat her neck and face <Jeebus it's hot today. It must be at least 27* or 28*> as she walked back.

She could see that DalleSoon was on his phone as she approached and wondered if he was texting Yoongi that he was done with this obnoxious American woman.

2:54pm Joka

I am sure you will hear about

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