S2 Ch 4a: The Text Messages

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Cae managed to stand up and walk into her house but she was shaking. She hung her keys and put her purse and bag on the table near the door. Half way into the living room she realized she still had her shoes on and went back to leave them in the entryway. She wanted to read and sign the NDA but also felt jittery, unable to be still.

<i've got to  go running or something>

<i need to text siofra>

She realized she was pacing the living room, flapping her hands a little and laughed out loud.

"Ok get a grip, Cadence Koo, for fuck's sake."

Her phone chirped again and she recognized Siofra's tone. She picked up her phone and went into the kitchen, plugging it in at the counter, and pulled out one of her own pre-made meals from the freezer (Madras sweet curried chicken with rice and cauliflower). She popped it into the microwave, started the hot water kettle, and then called Siofra.

"Thank god I was beginning to get worried. Are you ok? You didn't answer me. What the hell Cae? Are you ok?"

"I'm... I'm ok" Cae's voice was shaky.

"You don't sound ok. What is going on?"

"I am ok, really," she laughed. "He texted from the plane.... It's... oh my god Siofra it's ..... I'm so...... jeebus I can't think straight." She drew a few deep breaths.

"Ok, just tell me this: was it a good text from him, or a bad text?"

Cae paused a moment, remembering what he wrote, thinking of all the wonderful albeit scary things that were in her future. She took a deep breath.

"It was a wonderful text. A surprising-sexy-erotic-sweet... oh my god i can't believe it."

"And how did you reply?"

Cae's voice dropped to a whisper. "I asked for the NDA."

Siofra let out a whooping scream of excitement. "YES!!! Yes, my love, yes this is going to be AMAZING for you. I knew you could do this. I am so happy for you!"

Cae started to cry - in relief, in disbelief, in trepidation, in excitement. She knew that processing all these emotions was going to take her a while, and she would certainly have to talk to her therapist about all of this at the next appointment. She rested her head against the cabinet and just let the tears fall. Siofra understood and quietly recited a few prayers for her friend. This was going to be a roller coaster of emotions and she knew that Cae would need her support all the way through.

The microwave dinged, the kettle clicked off, and her phone meowed.

"Ah, Siofra, that's -

"I heard it. Is that Seokjin's text tone?"

"No, it's actually Yoongi's text tone. I .. can't believe I am saying that... that Yoongi texted me"

"Ok, you talk to him. Eat some food and drink water! Lots of water! You never drink enough. I love you more than Irish whiskey. Text or call if you need ANYthing."

"I will. I love you my wild Irish fairy!"

Cae pulled up her text messages to see what Yoongi had sent.

7:20pm MYG

Hello Cadence. It looks like we will

be talking/meeting more in the future.

Please let me know if you have any

questions, or concerns, or need anything.

Especially with the NDA.

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