21. The One That Got Away

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I poured out my heart to a heartless man
And what I received was this
A puddle of my own tears
And a lifetime of loneliness

I was sitting in a small town hospital
Four years down the road
And I could see it in his eyes
While he handed me the note

He broke a million promises
Along with them, my heart
And I hope he lives to regret it
I hope it tears him apart

It hurts most that he didn't try
I should've been the priority
Now he gets all that he wants
While I'm stranded in self pity

There's nothing more I can do
Nothing more I'm willing to say
But I still can't help but wish
That he'd wanted to stay

I guess I can keep living
Stuck inside the gray
Or I can start thriving
Be the one that got away

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