66. Persephone ii

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I am a conventional weapon
In the way that I am the
Swiss Army knife that enters your
Stale bred life and cuts in with
Skills of day to day means to round out
The life you never pictured you
Could have that pretty little vision
Of a house on a hill with
Gabled roofs and a fence that's just
Yea high

And I'll fold your fitted sheets
Break your morning eggs with
The soft fingers that wish to
Play with the waistband on your
Late night sweats
Watch as I lace my knees through yours
And tell you all of the things
You aren't strong enough to tell yourself

So I'll build you up
And build you stronger than
Any woman could ever hope
Because that's what happens
When you don't bother with
Cheap material
And fake propositions that scream
For only ever compromise
And not enough selfless sacrifice

So I'll turn your world
Into some kind of heaven
If you promise to keep ahead of
The wind that whispers to take me
In any direction
That I feel I'm needed
Breaking a mould bound in
Family ties and romantic notions
Of stability and loss of spontaneity
So settle down with me
Plant roots into the tiny flower garden
That sits underneath painted shutters

But be prepared
For goddesses to become bored
Because the springtime
Brings buds of new life
But also memories of a time before
When there was loss but also adventure
So say goodbye to your
Safe life of known wonders
And find a new home with me
Where I'll lead you down to hell

Though you'll be glad to go
For there's a dark place
Inside anyone that dares to
Make a home out of anywhere
So let me make a home
With the precision of
Someone who is an expert on
Drifting into new places and
Leaving echoes running down the halls
And permanent change to
The chips in the walls

So let me change your lightbulbs then
Put a few more dents in the baseboards
A few more scuffs on the door frame and
Take your hand to leave
The glow behind to find
A heart inside of the sound of
Building a home inside of you

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