36. Pick Your Battles

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They told me there was a plan for me
The stars gathered in inquiry and said
This one is special
And I believed them
I did as I was told
I learned to serve the universe
As it had served me
And then they told me I was secondary
Meant to serve others
Even if they never served me
And I usually listen
To the energies in my path
But there are some days
When I decide that I can no longer serve
And I pick up my weapons
And I string up my heart
Because there are some battles
It doesn't belong to
But I pick them anyway
And the scream to be let go
But there are some days
Where I can't do what I'm told
Because I can't serve others
If I no longer serve myself
So I deny the plan
And sometimes it breaks me
But other times
The stars come to question
And I tell them
I do not come in second
Because I fight my own battles
Leaving the stars in my wake
And I'm a strong servant
Yet an even better queen

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