Vials of Fury

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"You-- what?!"

"I said, I think I took too--"

You swiftly stood up, the dirt winds stinging against your skin. When you stood up, your notebook was ripped from your arms and pushed back onto the ground, slightly edging away every second.

"I know what you said!--Even if you used that whole vial, it wouldn't be enough to cause this!!"

The Ninja caressed his chin, his eyes glimmering with happiness. "So I did this all by myself"

His eyes shifted an expression of horror. "Oh my juice, I did this by myself"

You rolled your eyes, as you misread his varied reactions.
"Yes yes, we're all very proud--"

You grabbed his hand and took a few steps closer to the storm.

"--now let's go"

Before you could trudge any more into the soil hurricane, the turf in front of you was ripped clean from its roots and into the sky. "Woah--"

"Yeah, no. I'm not letting you go in there"

Your look was one of slight offense. "What?!"

"I can handle this by myself. Plus, I'm the one who started this mess--"

You ripped away your hand but continued to remain speechless. Inconsistent thoughts clawed at your conscience, prodding away at your many choices. You knew he was right, but at the same time you didn't want to listen.

If you did, that meant you would only be a helpless bystander, no longer your parents' magnum opus.

You thought back to Kris, and her words that fused with the stars that night.

'I don't owe anyone anything'


"Okay... fine."

You glanced at the notebook slowly drifting away behind him.

"Could you at least get my book?"

He tilted his head in confusion, leading you to point towards the journal.

"Oh.. uh sure--"

While he turned to ensure the safety of your journal, he could hear the faint whirring of a fan. It beeped at even intervals, akin to the sound of a bomb before it eventually explodes.....wait.

His back was turned.

And If there was anything he learned from being the Ninja, it was to never let someone in your blind spot.

Oh no.

A sudden burst of orange caused him to turn around.


You were soaring into the sky, Mini-bot's gangly limbs wrapped around your shoulders, using its engines to boost you into the sky.

𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 || 𝐑𝐂𝟗𝐆𝐍 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜 ★Where stories live. Discover now