Hamster Cages

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As everybody knows, cages for hamsters are must-haves. Hamster cages come in all different colours, sizes, and even shapes at the pet store. The thing is, size matters a lot. The minimum square inches of "floorspace" for your hamsters cage MUST be at least 360 square inches. This is the rule for places like North America. The cage must be at least 589 sq in in the UK and other places. In Germany, hamster care is, for some reason, very "strict," (That is why German hamster forums are great to check out, since they have good care.) and so the MINIMUM amount of floorspace is 1,521 square inches. This may seem a little ridiculous (since these measurements are actually quite big) so no matter where you live, as long as your cage meets 360, you can feel confident that you are giving your hamster what they need.

If you already have a hamster, or have been shopping for cages for a while, you may see that although there is a large variety of cages for sale, they are all quite small and VERY expensive. This is why the way to go is either DIY cages, or buying an aquarium tank that would usually be used for fish and reptiles. If you get a tank like this, just keep in mind that in order to have the right size, you must buy a 20 gallon long tank or bigger. For a cheaper price, you can sometimes find aquariums for less money, but be sure that the tank is at least 20 gallons.

For making a DIY cage, there are lots of different kinds of cages---mostly out of wood or combining cages together with tubes, but the most popular type of DIY is the bin cage. The important thing to remember is that you either get one bin that is 105 quart, or two smaller bins that are stacked on top of each other connecting with tubes.

There are many different tutorials online or on YouTube that explain how to make DIY cages---including how to drill air holes, holes for tubes, and how to construct the cage in general.

Stay tuned for the next chapter---food for hamsters and "nutrition facts." :)

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