Hamster Wheels

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Hamster wheels are, as I've said before, a necessity for hamsters. There are certain kids of wheels, certain prices, certain wheels that may not be the quietest :), certain sizes of wheels, and certain places to get them. I am going to try my best to explain which types are the best for your hamster, and where you can find a good brand for a pretty good price. Enjoy the chapter!

Wheel sizes:
First of all, there are about three or four sizes of wheels for your hamster.

4.5 inch (kind of rare)
6.5 inch
8.5 inch
11.5 or 12 inch (biggest size for hamsters)

If you have a dwarf hamster, the 6.5 inch wheel is perfect. As long as their back doesn't bend when they run, it's fine. (This is probably the most popular size, so it won't be too hard to find this size.) if you would prefer to get your dwarf a slightly bigger wheel to grow into, then the 8.5 inch one is best.

If you have a Syrian hamster, you shouldn't get the 6 inch. This is WAY too small. Although you'll see that on some packaging of 6 inch wheels, it shows a picture of a Syrian hamster, this is not the right choice. The 8 inch wheel is DEFINITELY the way to go.
Some Syrians can be bigger hamsters than others, so if you find your hamster's back bends on the 8 inch, you will have to upgrade to the 11 inch or 12 inch. Don't worry if the wheel seems too big for the hamster. There isn't really such a thing as a wheel that is "too big."

Solid wheels VS barred/mesh wheels:
Barred or mesh wheels are the wheels you should stay away from. Bumble Foot is something that your hamster can get on their feet (when little red lumps can appear on the bottoms of their feet.) if there are bars or mesh on the wheel or even the floor of the cage. One little trip and your hamster can get their foot stuck, which can cause bumble foot overtime.

Solid wheels are much better, and also much easier to find these days in places like pet stores. Some of the most popular and good brands of hamster wheels are the Silent Spinner, the Kaytee Comfort Wheel, and more sold online like the Wodent wheel.

Online Shopping:
Just make sure there is a picture, so you know for sure it's what you want, and the right size. Like I just said, the Wodent Wheel is only sold online, but it is a very good brand in my opinion and has many of the bigger sizes for Syrians.

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