Chapter 2- The loud morning

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Narrator POV:

Cody had fallen asleep with Heatwave after making sure that he was okay. He awoke from slumber when he heard some of his family members yelling his name, obviously looking for him. Heatwave awoke too because of this. "Huh...? What's with the yelling...?" Heatwave looked at the clock while Cody was about to yell at his family for waking his favorite autobot up at; "6:34?!" Heatwave yelled. Cody immediately jumped off of the berth and stormed off very frustrated. Heatwave knew what was about to happen and covered his audio receptors.

"SHUT. UP. Heatwave was asleep! And so was I!" Cody screamed to Kade and Dani. Graham just stood by covering his ears because he was the only who wasn't screaming. Kade and Dani were actually scared by Cody's outbursts, when they happened. They didn't happen often, only when Cody was just that upset. Chief hurried downstairs to see what the commotion was. He saw his kids, and their expressions and slowly back-tracked upstairs. He noped out of there real quick. Blades ran in. "Why did you all scream?! I was recharging!" He spat. Heatwave walked in, rubbing his optics. He just stood there, tired. Chase and Boulder then walked in too. "What's with- Oh. Hey Heatwave!" Boulder said.

"Hi." Heatwave said, not showing any emotion. Chase looked to the three siblings "Why are you three screaming? It's exactly 6:37 in the morning." Chase asked. Cody looked at him, still mad, but calm. "These two idiots woke me and Heatwave up." He said. Kade looked at his youngest brother. "I'm not an idiot! You're the idiot here!" He insulted. "We'll jeez. Didn't know I was a mirror."

Everyone laughed at that. Even Chase. "Pfft- Nice one, Cody!" Dani said. Kade was so offended. He stormed off as Dani followed him, planning on teasing him about what Cody had just said. Graham followed to make sure the two didn't get into anymore trouble.

"That was chaotic." Chase broke the silence. Everyone simply nodded their head. "I'm gonna go for a morning drive." Heatwave announced. Cody's face lit up. "Can I go with you?" He asked. "I guess." Heatwave replied. He then transformed into fire truck mode. Cody hopped into the passenger seat and buckled his seatbelt. The two then drove off. Now that everyone was awake, they went to do their own things.

Heatwave and Cody decided to drive to Mt. Griffen. It was 8 o'clock by the time they got there. Cody sat down on Heatwave's shoulder. Thoughts about last night were lingering in the back of his head. 'Why was he crying? Does he do this a lot? Is he okay?' The boy thought. He was interrupted by his thoughts when Heatwave spoke up. "That picture... it's very special to me, and I would offline myself if I lost it. I'm not joking one bit." "May I ask why?" Cody questioned. "I'm not ready to expose that information yet..." Heatwave answered. "Not to push you, but why not?" Cody asked. Heatwave looked down sadly. "It's personal information..." He ended. Cody was still curious. He wouldn't let it go, but he wouldn't speak any further. He was still just taking things step by step.

The two went back to the firehouse and arrived at 8:30 am. They went to a small park that they drove by for a bit because a kid was asking for help with finding his mum.

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