introduction <3

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hey I just wanted to say that this is my first time writing something honestly idk what im doing but also this book has swearing in it so if u don't feel comfortable with that then don't read lmao but anywayss the first chapter will be bad it depends but if you have any ideas when the first chapter Is published plz help


age: 15

birthday: June 4th 2007

masons bestfriend


age: 15

birthday: July 10th 2007

y/s best friend/ crush

Miguel cazarez mora

age: 15

birthday: march 1st 2007

mason and y/s best friend

rest of tbp cast as themselves


okay okay just also saying before I continue idk how many parts to this story im gunna do and if I spelt stuff wrong or anything plz tell because I type too fast and don't realise half the time also its like 8:45am rn I still haven't went to sleep but anyways bye for now


my lover &lt;3       mason thames x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now