Chapter 3

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I was dressed in yellow sundress heading out to visit Zest before starting my shift at Derek's restaurant. Last night, Derek called to confirm the news he received from dad. He was so excited that he thanked me repeatedly for accepting the gig. When I arrived in front of Zest, a lot of customers were waiting in line. Ever since I left Zest, I always keep on tab with the restaurant. It has gotten famous throughout the years. Top magazines even named it as one of the hottest restaurant in the city.

"Ms. DeVaux! Welcome back! When did you arrive from Poland?"

"Yesterday. It's good to be back, Owen. How's the restaurant been doing?"

"Oh everything is fine! This place has received people more than the Times Square did! You made all of this came true, babe. It's your touch, they are just so magical."

I laughed heartily listening to Owen's chattering. Owen worked as the receptionist at the restaurant as well as a part time bouncer when people just couldn't seem to keep their attitude down in the restaurant. He was a bit of a bubbly person, the reason why he was hired by Carl in first place.

"Hey Owen, is Mr. Wright present?" I asked. "Definitely. He's in the back, as usual checking up on the chefs. Now and then he would always read articles about your new ventures around the world and uses them to guide the chefs." Owen said while pointing his finger towards the kitchen.

I mouthed thanks to Owen and head straight to the kitchen to surprise the old man. From the door, I could see Carl teaching a chef how to cook beef stroganoff perfectly that will give the dish it's unique taste when it enters the mouth. Hmph, he must be the newbie, I thought. My heart warmed up at the sight of him. He was like the second father figure. He cares about his employees' well being all the time, not a single one of them even complaint.

"Don't skip browning of the meat, that should be enough to get the beef stroganoff to have delicious flavour and nice colour to it." I said while leaning on the side of the kitchen door. Quickly, both of them turned around after hearing my voice. One of them with grey hair quickly walked to where I was standing. Lifting his hand up, he lightly pinched my left cheek and grinned broadly.

"Ouch! How could you, Carl." I pouted, rubbing my cheek to ease the pain.

"Save your words, young lady! How dare you barged in here not telling me that you had came back from wherever you are!" Carl burst, putting on a stern look trying not to grin.

"What? I thought you love surprises. Well... Surprise!"

Carl was trying to hold his laughter from bursting out. Before we could continue on, a voice interrupted. "You... You're the nomad chef! It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. DeVaux. I've heard so much about you."

"That I am. So you're new?" I asked.

"His the new line-cook I hired last month. The restaurant is getting busier and busier each day. So, we need more hands in the kitchen to prepare everything we need."

I nodded my head a few times, agreeing to his statement. The new line-cook was dismissed back to work when Carl decided to continue the conversation in his office. As we sat down, he continued. "So, how's your adventure?"

"Good. Although I still have a lot to explore, but maybe it's best for me to come back home. Besides, I want to spend some time with mom and dad. How's Tracia doing?"

"She's good. She did ask about you many times, wondering when will you be back. She wanted to have dinner together, how about next week? Tell Mr and Mrs DeVaux to come too. It has been a long time since we had dinner together."

"I'll think about it later this week. I'll better get going. My shift is about to start soon. I'll inform you soon about the dinner." I kissed Carl's cheeks before saying goodbye. When I arrived at Derek's restaurant, everyone's eyes were on me as I made way into the restaurant. Derek being the first to welcome me extend both his arms pulling me into a hug.

"Well if it isn't the one and only nomad chef! Glad to have you on board Quinn. It will be great to have you for the next two weeks. Everyone! Gather around, I like you to meet the new chef de cuisine. However, she will only be working here for the next two weeks, as you all already know."

Everyone gathered around to welcome my presence in the restaurant. Some would even asked for pictures together and some would go for the autographs. As soon as that was over, everyone quickly get back to their work. The kitchen ran smoothly for the night. All the chefs handled my commands swiftly, some would asked for advice about their tasks. Derek would entered the kitchen once in a while to check up on the progress. Customers were in and out all the time, from friends to married couples. Not a single commotion was stirred up in the restaurant.

When the night came to an end, everyone bid their goodbyes. It was an exhausting night, but nothing I couldn't handle. I quickly entered the bathroom when I arrived home. It would be nice for me to relax in the tub for an hour or so, I smiled at the thought. The television was on before I decided to indulge myself in a nap. I was awaken by the knocking on the bathroom door.

"Sweetie, don't stay too long in the tub. It's a quarter past midnight already. I'm going to bed, make sure you don't fall asleep in the tub. Good night, Quinn." I got out of the tub and cleaned myself when I heard the door to my room closing. I quickly drifted off to my sleep once I laid down on the bed.

The next morning, I sat down in the dining room for breakfast. Mom and dad were asking about my first day at work. Dad went out for a meeting with friends for a tennis match. Mom was helping Mrs. Jenkins, the maid washing the dishes while I was still focusing my attention towards the french toasts in front of me. The television was displaying a news on the new corporate building that was taken over by some businessman after the previous CEO was dismissed for some corruption issues.

"We just couldn't believe our eyes! The nomad chef is back in town! Chef Quinn DeVaux was spotted at one of the hottest restaurant in town, Zest. We are believed that she has come back for good after all the travelling, as what an insider at Zest told our crew. It has been a long time since we saw the young Michellin-starred chef wandering around the restaurants in the city, attracting the attention of the chefs and media around the world with her new skills and recipes. Will she be on the chase to win more Michelin stars? ..."

My eyes snapped towards the television screen when the news came out. I sighed deeply. Don't they all have something else to cover about? Like an endangered cat stucked on a tree that needs a rescue, or about a prodigy child who managed to graduate the university as a valedictorian? But one thing did improved, there were less cameras following me every time I stepped out of the house. It's nice to have a peaceful life once in a while where the paparazi were not on my trail all the time.

Mom suddenly popped out of nowhere. "Well, looks like a daughter of mine had the media chasing her again." She quickly tip toed away from the dining room, avoiding my wrath. I groaned a bit. She knew how I have always hated the invasion of my private life by the media. But it would've been a lie if I said I didn't enjoy the attention from my fans and fellow chefs.

I was stucked out of my thoughts when mom yelled, "You know you love the attention! If not, you wouldn't be grinning widely at your french toasts there!" I swore my face had become a tomato right there. Mom...!

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