Chapter 20

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In honour of me passing my driving test, I have decided to bestow all of you, my lovelies, with this chapter I enjoyed writing.

DNA. 😘




"Toe!" I screamed my heart out as I succeeded in defeating Jo at Tic-Tac-Toe game. He grunted as he frowned angrily at me for flaunting my winning in his face for the tenth time today. Rena, his first love and also one of the line cook, also joined in and laughed at his repeated defeat.

I would stop after winning the second round but he, with his huge Jupiter-sized ego refused to admit the defeat and insisted to fight me till the end until he manage to win. Sadly, that didn't happen for the straight tenth round.

Harold slapped his palm of hand onto the stainless steel kitchen cabinet. The loud sound caused a shock in us all as his fuming anger face reached our eyes.

"Get back to work! We have a party full of people to serve tonight. You, Quinn. Stop being childish and defeat Jo at Tic-Tac-Toe. For goodness' sake, the man is on the verge of balling his eyes out." Harold whined as he pointed the ladle in my face.

"What?! He's the one who refuse to back down on me!"

Jo scrambled from his seat and went to resume his work on prepping the vegetables when Harold threw him the deathliest glare of the century. I snuck him a glare when Jo put his tongue out before Harold could see it. "Enough you two. Jo, I want a game of Tic-Tac-Toe after the party later."

I rolled my eyes as Harold laughed at Jo's expression. I knew he would say that. Harold wouldn't miss out a chance on defeating someone at something they were bad at. He breathed on the defeat of others, especially after he was badly defeated by Paolo on the game of monopoly the other day. Let's say, he needed the fresh start.

At seven sharp, our team had been prepping the meals at Greg's family estate. From the looks of it, most of the guests were starting to arrive at the venue. Thankfully, no paps were involved this time around. Harold worked professionally around the kitchen, barking orders at those poor line cooks who were having a hard time doing a lot of things at full speed since it was their first time doing so.

Yes, Harold was professional but he couldn't help it but to pull onto his hair frustratingly at some point.

"Quinn, how's the paella going on? We are going to serve the soup in a few minutes, so I need the main course to be done quickly." Harold barked from the other side of the kitchen.

I sipped my pinot leisurely as I inspected the garnish on the bowls of Ajo Blanco. "Consider it's done! Just waiting for the rice to fully cook, then we're good."

Harold smacked his hands together and went to the side where the desserts were prepared. Jo glanced to his back and said, "How did you work so fast? I could barely finish serving the soup and you are already on your way to pouring yourself a glass of wine."

I laughed while Harold who happened to hear our conversation just chuckled and got back to inspecting the dishes. I winked at Jo who was still busy garnishing the soup. "You'll get the hang of it later, kid. Trust me, I was like you when I worked on my first big event."

"She's lying!" Harold shouted, not taking his eyes off the desserts. "She's as smooth as the bechamel sauce when you witness her working in a busy kitchen, even if she's a newbie."

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