Chapter 14

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I groaned and stomped my feet angrily. The nerve of this man! He kept on tugging my hand to follow him and never let go. We had visited at least fifteen shops and stores today and he still kept on going to go shopping. My feet were aching terribly while I had to follow him seeing he wouldn't let go of my hand anytime soon.

While I was wearing my scowl on my face, he was smiling cheerfully at everyone who had passed by us today. I even threw my glares and daggers at everyone who dared to 'awe' at us. Can't they see what a brute this man was forcing me to walk non-stop?

"You jerk! It has been two and half hours passed. My feet are killing me. Can we go home now?" I literally screamed at him earning us a few glances in our way.

He chuckled. He just chuckled.

I scoffed, "Excuse me! I'm talking to you, you big fat jerk!"

All of a sudeen, he stopped walking and I who didn't see it coming crashed into his back. He turned around and grinned.

"Nonsense! We are yet to find you a dress before the day ends. Besides, you are accompanying me to a gala tonight." He said and brought his hands up to my face easing the ache I had on my nose.

He hugged my shoulders and together, we walked side-by-side in each his arms. After walking for three minutes, we entered a boutique and was greeted by the saleswoman. We were escorted to a love seat located at the back of the store. Paolo and I took a seat.

"Hi, I'm Jenna and I'll be assisting you today."

"I called in this morning under the name Valasquez." Paolo informed Jenna.

"Right, right. You called in for choices of evening dress." She smiled warmly at the both of us when Paolo nudged me to stand up. "We have readied for you our excellent choices of evening dresses. If you would follow me, miss."

Jenna called for her friend to bring out the dresses. Soon after, racks full of dresses were rolled out from behind the curtain nearby and stopped just right in front of where I stood. I looked back towards Paolo just to see him winked at me and give me a flirtatious smile.

"Here we have different designs which we think will perfectly suit your fiancée's figure, Mr. Valasquez."

I gasped, "Oh no, I'm not his..."

"Excellent!" Paolo interrupted. "Well, go and try them on, darling."

I glared at him angrily while he just winked at me again. I was just about to retort at him back for misleading Jenna but it was to late when she had called me to follow her. I was escorted behind the curtains to change into a few dresses she had brought in together with her.

We tried on the first one. She wanted to show the dress I was fitted in to Paolo when I stopped her. I cajoled her to let me choose my dress instead of having to show them to Paolo. Thankfully, she giggled and agreed to let me choose on my own without having his opinion.

"All done, Ms. DeVaux." She excitedly said after finished zipping me up. "Mr. Valasquez would be dead jealous if he sees you in this since all the men will be stealing glances at you tonight." She squealed excitedly.

I laughed, "Thanks, Jenna. Why would he be?"

"I can see by the way he looks at you, he is madly in love with you. He did not even corrected me when I said you were his fiancée which I know you are not when you tried to correct me."

She winked playfully before taking the dress to the counter to wrap it. When I went and took a seat beside him, Paolo raised his left eyebrow. "How come you didn't come out and show me your dress?"

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