Chapter 10

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"Here's the kitchen. Guys! Come greet your new boss!" Claire waved at the chefs who threw curious glances towards us. Everyone rushed to where we were and reached out to shake my hand.

"You're Chef DeVaux! Looks like Claire isn't joking this time." One of them said with a french accent. Claire laughed heartily and winked. "You should've trusted me, Javier."

Claire bid her goodbye and went back to her office. It only took half an hour by foot to reach the corporate office where her office was situated. Everyone went back to their station and started working after having a light chat with both Claire and I. So far, all of them were friendly and tried very hard to work together and took orders.

I was tasting one of the chef's dish when a deep voice startled me. "Quinn." I gasped and brought my hand to my chest. "Oh god! You startled me." I turned around to see Paolo showing his charming lopsided smile. Murmurs were starting to filled the kitchen and curious eyes of the people around us were starting to make the place felt hot all of a sudden.

He cleared his throat, "Heard from Claire that you had started working today. Welcome to the family." I nodded and muttered 'thanks' before turning around to continue tasting the dishes that have been prepared.

"My staffs are having their lunch break right now, so I want to invite you out for a lunch as a congratulatory meal for accepting this job. Shall we?" He leaned towards the wall next to the buletin board while putting both his hands in his pants pocket.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Mr. Valasquez, you know that I'm a chef and it is my job to cook for those who went on lunch breaks. Now, if you'll excuse me." I was about to walk away when he gripped my arm and pulled me towards him causing me to tumble towards him.

"How dare y... " Paolo leaned towards my ear and whispered before I could snapped at him. "I'll take your 'no' for now, but it won't be the same next time. Till then, Ms. DeVaux."

He walked away smugly with workers in the kitchen greeting him, looking intimidated by his presence. I chuckled at Ayda's shocked expression when she approached me. Ayda was the first one who approached and warmed up to me straight away and one of my colleague - a sous chef.

"Girl! I didn't know both of you have something going on!" She said, slapping my shoulder playfully.

I gasped and furiously waved my hands left and right to deny what she just said. She laughed and wiggled her eyebrows playfully.

"No! There's nothing going on here. It's just that..." I sighed. "I-it's a long story. We are not that close anyway. I just met him!"

Ayda raised her hands in surrender and grinned mischeviously. "Okay girl, whatever float your boat."

As the day came to an end, everyone bid their goodbyes and went home. Javier forcing his 'faire la bise' etiquette on me had Ayda and few of the chefs laughed, saying that it's a must that I worked there now. Like he said, everyone endured it.

As I turned around after waving goodbye to Ayda, Paolo stood there, leaning on his car staring intently at his phone. Trying my best effort to avoid him, I quickly tip toed away.

"Don't think that I didn't see you there." He looked up from his phone and stared in my direction.

Damn it!

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