I have a question

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Hey you guys!!

I have not been updating for a while and I am really really sorry about that.

I do have a question for y'all tho.

Do y'all want me to finish this story?
I can If y'all want me to, but I also a have some other stories in mind including

Amber Freeman x oc
Deena Johnson x oc(yn?)
Robin Buckley x oc
Eleven x oc(yn?)
Anne Shirley x oc(yn?)
Josie pye x oc
Kate messener x oc(yn?)
Enid rhee x oc(yn?)
And fictional imagines.

And possibly more if y'all want.

I think I'll have an easier time with writing these options cause they're things I'm more interested in.

Idk maybe I could try to do both.

Also, thank you for all the positive comments and all the views, they're really encouraging <3

So lmk!



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