Together (1)

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"Hello." A familiar voice greeted my father in the living room.

I quickly endeavored to untangle myself from the sheets wrapped around me, holding me prisoner. In my attempt to become free, I tipped over the side of the bed and fell to the floor. The collision sent the breath out of my lungs and the room staggered before I regained focus and my vision cleared. The door creaked open and let in light from outside.

Olivia was dressed in a fashion people in Grid T could only dream about. A green jumpsuit covered her shapely form. The shimmering cloth hugged her slim belly, then split into two to catch each of her plump breasts. Long olive shoots hid her slender legs.

A little behind Olivia, my father watched her with a slack-jawed expression as if he wanted to kiss the ground she walked on. Conscious of his missing fingers, Father hurried to hide his defect by stuffing his hand into his pocket. Once he noticed I had seen, a blush crossed his wrinkled face, and he cleared his throat.

Olivia tapped my head with her foot gently. "Are you ready to go?"

"Almost," I muttered, finally freeing myself from the cursed sheet. I still couldn't get used to how big the bed felt without my mother on it.

"You should have been awake, washed, and waiting for me half an hour ago." Olivia frowned as she kicked at empty containers scattered across the grey tiles. "Don't you ever clean this place?"

I grabbed an empty soda can before it scuttled too far and said, "Things got busy. Acting classes, work, studying— a schedule like that doesn't leave a lot of time for cleaning. And in my defense, you said we had to be there at two."

"If we're supposed to be somewhere at two that takes an hour by car, what time do we have to leave, Ms. Future Doctor?"

When I didn't answer, she replied, "An hour ago. God, I pity whoever becomes your patient."

"I have always hoped my first patient would be you. I wonder what it would be like to cut you open and give you a good, beating heart, so you can feel things like others do. I would love to see you make mistakes and get flustered. Right now, you're kind of like a perfect but empty vessel." I winked at her.

Olivia rolled her eyes and turned away slightly, hiding the smile that came to her lips. "Up." Her foot tapped my shoulder as she stood above me like a pretty giant.

I stood, and then we were almost the same size; I was slightly taller. Stretching my arms out to the side with a big yawn, I bounced twice on the balls of my feet to wake myself up before I launched a sneak attack, hugged Olivia's back, and squeezed her waist. Mustering all my strength, I lifted her off the ground and spun. Olivia laughed as we whirled, then caught herself and said, "Put me down."

I ignored her.

The grey walls and the lights blurred. Olivia's back leaned against my chest; my cheek pressed between her shoulder blades. Strands of bluish-black hair struck my eyes and nose. I stumbled once, twice, feeling her weight drawing us down. Dizzy, I gently lowered her to the ground before we fell. I flashed her a smile and ducked before she swung her fist and hit my head.

She chased me, and I used the bed as a barrier before grabbing a change of clothes from a wooden chair, jumping onto the mattress, and running past her.

On my way to the bathroom, I had to go past my father, who lingered near the front door and rubbed his chin. He blocked the exit, beckoned me closer, and whispered, "To be honest, when you told me you had a friend, I thought she would be imaginary like most of your other friends."

"That's—" I paused. His words weren't false. I had fabricated most of my relationships to make myself seem more popular than I was, so he wouldn't worry about me being friendless or bullied for my stand-offish tendencies. I scratched my head and muttered, "Look...."

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