Her Basement

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It was so cold...

So cold...

So dark...

He was still here, still alive, still in that cellar.

It hurt so much after a few days, but now, the pain has started to feel numb. He couldn't feel his fingers anymore, the only thing warm he could feel was the blood running down his hands and his tears. The cuffs that kept him stuck to this frozen wall dug into his wrists, he sure could feel that, it hurt so bad. But he was too weak to try and move anymore, to stop it.

Not to mention he was also starving, he had no idea how he was still alive at this point. He didn't want to die down here, but the chances seemed too slim at this point for him to survive. He couldn't yell anymore, or do anything but stare at a wall. He had nothing to eat, he couldn't drink anything or let alone move anymore, he was also freezing.

It all felt hazy, no wonder, he was losing his mind down here. He couldn't go on much longer at this rate. He was so tired of holding his own body weight. Sometimes he'd wish for the sweet release of death to come and take him. It would be better than being stuck here dying slowly.

He closed his eyes and cried. It was all hopeless. He was never getting out of here.


Cat and Jack looked up at the strange manor in front of them. Was this really where Queen Vanessa used to live? What happened to her?

Cat and Jack both quietly made their way into the manor through a more secret entrance. The two of them jumped down into dirty water, Cat yelped as her paws got wet. It was really dark down here. Jack luckily had brought a lantern to be able to see, Cat shivered from the cold draft down here.

The two of them walked forward, before Cat turned her head and noticed someone chained to the wall, she felt a chill run down her spine, were they dead? But as she looked a little bit closer at them, they were alive!

"Jack! Look!" Cat whispered, nudging Jack's arm. He looked up at the person too.

"Oh my god, wait...Is that...The Prince Of Subcon Forest? Sure looks like him."

"We gotta help him! He'll die down here!" Cat replied. "Jack, you carry everything, do you have a paperclip? I can try and unlock these cuffs."

Jack handed her a paperclip. Cat began to try and pick the locks on the cuffs keeping him up on that wall. Once she broke one, the poor fella gasped, he had opened his eyes! He stared at Cat, She then moved over to the other one and picked its lock as well. Quickly she had to catch him, so he wouldn't hurt himself anymore. As she caught him, he went somewhat limp in her arms.

She held the poor guy close to her, he was shivering, poor thing. He must be so cold and hungry too. Cat looked around to see that Jack was gone, he just left his lantern there.


There was no answer.

Cat heard the prince whimper, or at least she thought he was a prince. Cat looked down at him, he looked up at him, his sad dull eyes. He didn't look good at all, his skin was very pale and sickly looking. Poor guy must have been stuck down here for a long time. He was so cold, he huddled up against Cat. She was the only warm thing there.

Then Cat heard Jack scream from upstairs in the house. Cat felt her heart drop, what was he doing up there? The scream was followed by loud footsteps. Then, Jack ran in slamming the door behind him, breathing heavily.

"Jack! Oh my god are you okay!?" Cat asked. Jack looked up at her, his gaze was full of terror.

"We have to get out of here, like right now!" Jack limped over to grab his lantern. "We'll take him with us too, it would be cruel to leave him here to die."

Cat nodded, carefully picking The Prince up, he was surprisingly not that heavy.

The three of them went out the way they came, being met with the freezing air. They had to get home quickly, or well, The Prince might die. That wouldn't be good.

It appeared he was currently half awake, Cat looked down at him, making sure he was doing alright. He was still very cold, but he seemed alright enough.

Hopefully they'd make it in time.

A/N- Yeah this one is short I know lol, trust me it does get better!

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