Home? New Home? I can't remember anything

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The Prince woke up, finally, he must have drifted off to sleep during the weird trek back home. It was odd, it didn't feel real. He was somehow alive, not quite sure how. Trying to recall what had happened was hard.

Something about a guy named Jack, Strange Cat Lady, the cold, snow, and being held. That was all of the details he could remember.

Looking around the room he could see he had no clue where he was, he was in a makeshift bed, which was simply just a mattress on the floor, with a ton of warm fuzzy blankets and comfy pillows. Next to him there was a side table with a mug on it, along with a thermos of something. Possible coffee or soup. Beside that was more bandages and a container of some sort of lotion or cream to put on your skin when it gets dry.

He sat up a little, it hurt to use his arms, due to his muscles being still very sore. The Prince then looked at his hands, they were covered in bandages, entirely too. He was also in new clothes and felt a whole lot cleaner than he did in that basement.

Where on earth was he? Would Vanessa come looking for him? He sure hoped not, this place felt safe and warm. Though he did feel a bit sick, it was still a lot better than being stuck chained to a wall.

Then he noticed that strange cat lady again, she was standing in the doorway. Her eyes lit up when she saw that he was awake. She walked over to him, sitting beside him.

"Oh my goodness! You're finally awake! You had me and Jack worried!"

The Prince looked at her stunned, who on earth was she? Was Jack that other guy he remembered with the lantern? He was so confused, yet the cat lady seemed quite nice.

"I'm so happy you're awake! Here, let me take a look at how your hands are doing today, I'm gonna probably have to re-wrap them."

She moved the blanket off of him, taking one of his hands and inspecting it. She then put it back down, going to get that weird lotion stuff and the bandages. She took his hand again, slowly and carefully taking off his bandages. She winced a little at the sight of them, but still remained calm, she then took some of that weird lotion stuff and put it on her hand and then just rubbed it into his. Then she took the bandages and began wrapping them again. Then she moved around to the other side of him and did the other one as well.

"There we go! Now I gotta check the spot on your side." The cat lady said. Then before he could try to say anything, she had already moved back over to the other side of the mattress, she carefully lifted up his sweater to see how the other patch of skin that had frostbite was doing. Of course this was really awkward for The Prince, but he knew she was helping him, so he tried not to show his embarrassment.

She did the same thing she had done to his hands, she did to his side.

"Okay! There we go all better! Now I'll be right back alright?"

The Prince looked up at her and nodded, he still had no clue who she was, but she'd probably tell him sooner or later.

She soon came back in with a tray of stuff, which was odd, it felt like he was in a hospital, but a more cozy one. She sat on the mattress with him, the tray on her lap. It appeared there was food, some medicine of some sort, and possibly some more medicine stuff, it was hard to see.

She put some of the medicine on a spoon for him, it looked like it was gonna taste really bad.

"Okay, so I'm gonna need you to take this alright? It doesn't taste very good but that's alright, it's not supposed to taste good, it's medicine. This stuff is going to help treat your infections, because some of those wounds, especially the ones on your wrists are infected big time."

He nodded, opening his mouth as she gave him the strange tasting stuff. It tasted really gross, but he swallowed it anyway.

"Yeah It doesn't taste good I know, but trust me it works. Here drink this water, it should wash away that taste in your mouth."

She handed him a glass of water. He took it in his bandaged hands, taking a pretty big sip of it. It was nice to get rid of that gross taste in his mouth. Once he was done he handed it back to her.

"W-who are you?" He asked.

"Oh! Sorry I should have told you! I'm Cat! Or well my full name is actually Cathrine, but I go by Cat! You're The Prince Of Subcon Forest, right?"

"Y-yeah, yeah I am. How d-did you know?" He asked.

"Me and Jack noticed that you looked quite similar to him, and well Vanessa's manor, it all makes sense, I have no clue what on earth happened there, Jack claimed he saw her, and she chased him and injured his leg. I thought she was dead, especially what happened to the forest. Thankfully, Jack and I were visiting where we grew up, since we lived next door to each other, the day it happened. It appears the only thing left here is weird snake-like ghosts, they look like the children who used to live here too with their masks. It's a shame really."

The Prince looked at her in shock, his whole kingdom was gone!? No no no, it couldn't be. He had to go and see for himself, but it hurt too much to even get up.

"Hey, I never asked your name." Cat said.

"Lukas, m-my name is Lukas, you can call me Luke or Luka too, I-I don't mind."

"Oh well that's a lovely name! It's nice to finally get to talk to you Lukas!" Cat said cheerfully, trying to make him feel better. He still looked very upset about his kingdom, as he should be!

"I-I need to go see all the damage...I-I caused."

Cat looked at him surprised, he caused all this to happen? No, that didn't seem right.

"You're too sick to get up now, please lay back down Luke."

He looked at her sadly, before doing as he was told, he started crying. Cat felt so bad, she took the tray of stuff off her lap and carefully onto the floor, before moving over to hug him.

"Shhh, don't cry, it's alright, Lukas, you're alright. I doubt it's your fault, you can tell me all about your story once you get better, okay? Here, are you hungry? I brought you some food." Cat asked, running a hand through his soft hair.

"A little bit I-I guess."

Cat hummed in reply, letting him go to grab the food. She had to help eat it since his hands still hurt and he also couldn't really feel them that well.

After helping him get something to eat, Cat couldn't help but wonder what really happened to the poor guy. Why did he blame himself for the kingdom turning all dark?

She'd have to ask him later on...

A/N- yay finally a longer chapter! Hope you enjoy! And yes, I did make the memes for each chapter, cause why not?

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