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A/N- Forgot to update this version sorry! Now the new chapter is here! Enjoy!

Cat woke Lukas up the next morning earlier than he was used to. She had a surprise for him. He never had a proper breakfast usually, he'd get up and grab a few snacks and that was it.

But not today. Today he was going to have a proper breakfast.

Lukas yawned, he was still sleepy as he walked over to the table in the kitchen. He looked down at the plate of food that Cat had made him. It had scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon, lots of bacon. Lukas looked at it wide eyed, he loved bacon, it was his favorite food ever.

"I-Is that bacon!?" Lukas asked, Cat nodded.

"Yes, why?"

"I-I loved bacon, but Vanessa banned it because I loved it so much. It's been so long, it smells amazing."

Lukas sat down, looking at the bacon hungrily, it looked so good. He hadn't had bacon in so long, it felt very surreal.

He ate some of it, it was delicious! It was just the way he liked it, not too crispy but still crunchy enough. It was as if Cat knew exactly how he liked it. Which was odd, since they had only known each other for a month or so now.

Cat was slightly surprised at how fast he ate his food, he must have been hungry.

"Wow Lukas! You must have been starving!"

Lukas froze, looking at Cat, slightly embarrassed. He looked down at his plate, a little impressed at himself. That was the most food he had eaten in a long time

"What!? It's my comfort food!"

Cat smiled.

"It's okay Luke, I'm only teasing you!"

Lukas looked down at his empty plate. He felt relieved that he could eat without being yelled at.

"That was very good by the way, thank you."

Suddenly Jack walked in, looking tired, like he had just woken up.

"Hey! How have you been? Sorry I actually think I forgot to formally introduce myself to you, been busy trying to get that damn generator out back to work, I'm Jack, Cat's best friend and practically her brother."

Jack shook Lukas's hand in greeting.

"Nice to you Jack, I'm Lukas."

"Cat you've been busy taking good care of him, huh? I can tell, he looks a lot better than when we found him." Jack remarked as he straightened his glasses.

Cat nodded, she was proud of herself for being the best help she could for Lukas.

"I'm assuming you're not going to move somewhere else anytime soon, so I thought I'd welcome you to the family!"

Lukas was a little confused, but intrigued.

"And by family, I mean our house I guess."

Jack seemed to have understood Lukas's confusion.

Lukas didn't personally mind it here, it was actually starting to feel like home to him. That was all that mattered to him now.

Lukas was a little confused at what Jack meant by a generator outside.

"What generator are you talking about? I didn't know we had those out here."

"It's one of the ones people with cottages have, it's not run on hydro, like houses in the city. It's been acting up lately, I might need to go buy a new one."

"I don't know anything about that kind of stuff, I'd probably end up electrocuting myself if I tried to fix it." Lukas laughed a little. Jack shook his head.

"No no, it's not that hard to figure out. If you want to help, you could hand me the tools I need, if that's alright."

Lukas nodded enthusiastically. Cat smiled softly.

"Be careful out there, both of you, but especially you." She ruffled up Lukas's hair. "Watch out for haunted statues, okay?"

Jack rolled his eyes a little, still smiling. He was used to Cat worrying about him already.

"I will Cat, don't worry."

"Good." Cat replied, as she watched the two of them leave. She sighed a little, it was nice seeing Lukas enjoying himself.

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