Claws and Ice

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Meanwhile, in a manor tucked away behind thick walls of solid ice, the queen of Subcon Forest resided. She wandered the halls of her home, constantly looking out for her next victim.

She had turned most of them into little ice sculptures, as a disturbing form of art.

However, she had almost forgotten about her prince in the basement, chained to a wall and probably freezing. She decided it was about time she checked to see if the fool had regretted what he had done to her.

She giggled to herself, thinking how that florist got her fate, it was funny, her soul was trapped forever in a painting. She deserved that.

Vannessa crept down the staircase to her basement, expecting her prince to be chained up. But instead, she was met with cold wind and the now rusted chains empty.

She approached the wall, scraping her claws over the now bloodstained wall, the indent of his body was still there. Where did he go?

"Oh, that little brat! Where did you go?" She growled, looking around the cellar, there was nothing there, it was cold and empty.

Her frantic searching did nothing, she couldn't find him. Suddenly she heard a sound from behind her, it was the sound of the door creaking.

Vanessa whipped her head around to see a small child wearing a fox mask, he was holding one of the toys from the nursery. He froze in fear, staring up at her monstrous form.

Vanessa began chasing the small child, who had now begun running.

He ran into the kitchen, darting under the piano.

Vanessa walked into the room as well, she looked around but couldn't see the child anywhere.

The fox-masked child trembled in fear as Vanessa left the room, he had to make a run for it, he was so close to getting out of there.

He quietly crawled out from under the piano, before running towards the door, he then made a run for the cellar door. Which was still unlocked, he got out of there as fast as he could.

He stared at the toy he stole, it was a little plastic action figure that looked like an owl, it had a lab coat on and a pair of glasses which were not removable, but that was alright.

Finally something fun to play with, it was getting kind of boring just wandering.

It felt almost like he was alive, slowly the pictures formed in his head. The moon changed to the sun, the courtyard appeared under the snow, the trees changed to green and the plants flourished.

He was running around with his friends, giving flowers to the princess and waving to the florist who lived in the village. It was simple.

Prince Lukas and Princess Vanessa were in love, and all was great. But then his vision was being consumed by darkness, red eyes glowing and sharp spikes of ice around him.

Fox shook his head, standing in the snow. He looked back down at the owl toy he had in his hands. He looked back at the manor behind him. She wouldn't miss it.

Fox made his way back to Subcon Village, wanting to show his friends the toy he found.

Meanwhile, Lukas lay there shivering, he didn't know why he felt cold, maybe it was because he was only wearing an undershirt, but that was only because he didn't have a clean sweater to wear.

It was cold, not as cold as that basement, but still cold. He tried rubbing his arms to make himself warmer, but it didn't help.

"Lukas! I'm back, and I got snacks!"

That was Cat's voice, Lukas sat up, still shivering.

She walked into his room, holding a bunch of snacks in her arms. Lukas looked at the snacks hungrily, he hadn't eaten all day, he was too busy sleeping.

"What's wrong? You're shivering."

"I'm cold," Lukas said innocently, he didn't want her to pity him, but he felt like it would make him feel like he was cared about. It felt bad to do though, he didn't need her pity.

"Well of course you are! You're wearing just a tank top! That makes a lot of sense! There is a blanket right here you know?"

Lukas glanced over at the blanket.

"Yeah but then I get too hot underneath it. I have no clean sweaters to wear."

"Hmmm, too bad mine can't fit you."

"Y-Yeah..." Lukas didn't want to ask, no he didn't deserve it...right?

Suddenly Cat got an idea. She sat beside him, hugging him tightly.

"There, this should warm you up, plus my sweater is nice and warm."

Lukas tensed up for just a moment before immediately relaxing in her touch. He wasn't used to this type of affection.

"O-Oh...Mmh, this is nice I guess." He mumbled he blushed a little, he never knew she was okay with affection like this.

He ended up falling asleep, happy to get some rest finally. 

The Lost Prince Of Subcon Forest (A Hat In Time Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon