Subcon Forest...Or Well At Least What's Left Of It

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Lukas was finally well enough to walk around now, and outside too! Let's just say he was surprised the first time he went outside, what had happened to his home was a lot to take in.

He was currently wandering around the woods again, only holding a stick to protect himself somewhat from whatever lurked in the shadows. He was going to have to get used to this place the way it was now, since there didn't seem to be any way to fix it.

He walked through what he remembered to be where the courtyard used to be, it was still somewhat recognizable, apart from the whole being broken thing. He noticed a statue standing on a little platform, why was that fully intact but the rest of the place wasn't?

Of course you could have seen his shock when the statue actually moved. Why did it move? Why was it following him? Lukas tried hitting the strangely sentient statue with the stick, which was no use, the stick broke right clean in half. Well this was no good.

The only option now was to run as fast as he could. That's exactly what he did, he ran away, jumping over any rocks in the way of the path, and trying to avoid sticks and anything else that could be in his way.

He then felt his foot hit a rock and the next thing you know, he was rolling down a hill, before finally he stopped at the bottom of it. He laid there on his back still in slight shock from that impact.

Every bone in his body hurt. He looked up at the sky, feeling a slightly chilly breeze through the leaves above. It seems like he had gotten away from the weird statue...Or at least he hoped he did.

Lukas sat up finally, he was covered in dirt and had a few scrapes on his arms and legs, but other than that he was fine.

That is when he noticed where he had landed, he was on another pathway, this time the path led to a large broken bridge, across it looked to be snow. Lukas felt a chill run through his body. That was where She lived. Why did she live so close to Subcon Village? He stood up weakly, still hurting from falling.

Lukas tried running past the bridge the best he could, in case she could see him. He made it back to the village finally. He hoped Cat wouldn't be too worried about him.

Turns out Cat was sitting outside, she noticed him limping over to the house.

"Lukas! Oh my goodness! Are you alright!?" Cat asked, she ran up to him, running a hand through his hair.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine, just tripped and fell after being chased by a statue thing. It was odd."

Cat looked confused for a moment. Then she remembered.

"Ohhh the gargoyles! Yeah you need to be careful around them! I should have warned you about them."

"Oh, so you're used to them?" Lukas asked, wondering why Cat seemed so chill about them.

She nodded, noticing the scratches on his arms, she took his arm, inspecting the cuts on it.

"Oh no! You're hurt!"

"I'm alright Cat, it's just a few cuts." Lukas replied, he could understand her concern, she was like this probably because of the state she found him in. He just wished she didn't worry too much about him, he didn't want her to worry, she had no need to worry.

"It's not just a few cuts! They are going to get infected if you're not careful! Lukas, look at you! You're covered in dirt!" Cat put her hands on his cheeks, trying to brush the dirt off of him, making Lukas flinch "Here let's get you cleaned up, shall we?"

Lukas splashed water onto his face, washing the dirt off of it. He now had bandages on his cuts on his arms and legs.

"There, that's better, isn't it?" Cat said softly. "Oh! Wait, you have leaves in your hair." Cat reached up and pulled the leaves out of his red-ish brown hair.

"Oh thanks!"

Lukas grinned, smiling for the first time since Cat and Jack found him. Oh no, why was his smile so cute? Cat thought to herself, hoping he wouldn't notice the blush growing on her cheeks.

"You're welcome Lukas."

Lukas was sitting outside alone, he stared up at the dark sky dimly. It broke his heart what happened to his forest, to his home, to his kingdom. It was gone, all of it.

He heard shuffling noises from behind him, and Lukas turned around to see a strange sight. It was a green snake thing with a fox mask on?

Curious what it was, he quietly got up, walking up to the little creature. The creature cowered in fear, backing away from him.

"Hey there, little guy, it's alright, I won't hurt you."

The creature looked up at him, slowly moving closer to him.

"You're quite the cute little critter, what are you little buddy?"

The creature didn't make a noise, it just floated around him in a circle. It seemed happy.

Lukas stood up, noticing that the little critter started following him. Lukas wondered why.

Perhaps Cat and Jack knew what creatures these little snake ghosts were. 

The Lost Prince Of Subcon Forest (A Hat In Time Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora