Crown Of Blood & Ashes

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Sophie shifted, as her gaze met the ice blue eyes – which were unsurprisingly similar to the ones that had taunted her for the past three years. Those eyes, while so lively of a shade, drained all life off her. The inarguable good looks created an uncanny reflection of that woman who had left her with nothing but a kingdom out of blood and ashes to rule. Her now-sweaty hands clenched into unbearably tight fists, as Prince Keefe, the blood of Queen Gisela, entered like he owned the ground he walked on.

Sophie's nails dug into the arms of her throne, as she saw the prince staring at her with pure astonishment. Why was that? Was it because she was not what he expected? Did he think that she was unfit to rule? Or that she was too young? Well then, she will show him...

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Prince Keefe," Sophie said in a not-so-pleasured tone.

It took a while to shake him out of his stupor, and then with a stiff bow, he replied, "It is an honor to finally meet you, Your Highness, after hearing so much about you."

Sophie suppressed a huff of disbelief.

Even though his words were swift out of his mouth, Sophie couldn't miss the confusion that laced his words – as if he was not sure he wanted to say that. Of course, he didn't!

"I see that you found my place a little confusing to find your way in. Was that not why there was a delay? I had sent Miss Song for your assistance, because I thought, you must be lost."

Her last few words had some sort of effect on the prince, as his eyes widened in surprise – for what reason, she had yet to know.

The silence that followed, made Sophie a little curious. Something about this prince stood out and she just couldn't put her finger on it.

She cleared her throat, which brought the guy out of his dazed state as he quickly mumbled, "Umm-uh, sorry Fos- I mean, Your Highness. I was feeling unwell."

Obviously a lie.

"Either way, since you wanted a talk, I decided you could have it now, that is about the peace alliance you wanted," Sophie muttered unwillingly.

"Peace alliance? I uh-" he stalled and after sharing a look with Lady Romhilda, he continued, "Yes, the peace alliance, of course!"

Sophie arched a judging eyebrow. He forgot the reason he traveled all the way to a rivaling kingdom, to begin with?

She sighed.

"If you need more time to think it over, you are more than welcome. Let us not rush these things," Sophie smiled.

Of course, her answer to the supposed "peace alliance" was a resounding no. She will just let the things hang precariously – only for her to crush any sort of hope they might be clinging to. The first peace alliance was what brought her kingdom down – and she would NOT let Aurelia fall for the same trick again.

Prince Keefe traversing all the way here was nothing but Queen Gisela using him as her pawn in HER game of politics. Under the pretense of this proposal for a peace alliance, laid a thousand darker motives – perhaps an eye or two in this palace.

"Sure? I was thinking the same thing," the prince nodded solemnly, though the relief that graced his facial features was evident by all measures.

"Alright then. I suppose that will be it. Until the time of the decision arrives, do make yourself at home!" Sophie clapped her hands with mock enthusiasm.

"Thank you for the hospitality, Your Majesty," he smirked – only to quickly replace it with a much less irritatingly-smug smile.

Did he dare be sarcastic?

And with that, Sophie watched Lady Romhilda guide the prince out the doorway – the gleam of those ice blue eyes fading away.

She had kept the meeting short then.

"Captain Song?" she moved towards the captain of the guards, who stood at the edge of the doorway, in all his statuesque glory.

"Yes, Your Highness?" His silver bangs shrouded his silver-blue eyes, as he fell into a bow.

"Oh, nothing of quite an importance!" Sophie laughed to continue with, "I just want a good look on our guests!"

Tam Song seemed to have gotten what Sophie meant, as she watched him straighten. And with a nod, he said, "Of course, Your Majesty."

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Hi, y'all! Hope you are doing fine and well!

So, here we have our Queen Sophie!

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