See The Sands Shift

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"Well, talk about being uneventful!" Sophie briskly commented as she helped herself to a petite éclair.

She sighed happily as the warm burst of custard pervaded her taste buds. If there was one thing adequate about evening intel sessions, it was the snacks.

Sophie nodded in the direction of Sir Leto as if to allow him to continue.

"Mr. Harrison claims that he had the incentives last year which was a mighty counter against the migratory locusts. Now, however, he says the harvest is thin," Sir Leto spoke, never looking up from that tiny piece of paper.

"Very well, send Loiuse for inspection tomorrow, first thing. We will see for other alternatives only then," said Sophie while sipping on the fresh floral tea.

Leto cleared his throat ominously (which, in Leto-language meant 'there-is-something-that-needs-our-attention-but-I-am-scared-lest-you-not-take-it-well') to which he definitely claimed her attention single-handedly.


"Your Majesty, there was this eh- incident and I am not sure how to-"

"No need to feel intimidated! I swear I won't combust! I am in a significantly better mood than yesterday," Sophie solemnly promised as she plucked up another gorgeous piece of chocolate soufflé.

Leto straightened and said in a rather baritone voice, "Well, it so happens that Lord Enki was-"

Sophie, who knew what was coming, simply interrupted, "I am sorry but the mention of that scum- of that man," she corrected, a clear look of distaste enveloping her once soothed features, "kind of takes the pleasure away from enjoying such well made pastries... that's all I wanted to say. Now please continue!"

She loved giving Leto a hard time, especially since his impassive expression forever reigned his features.

"It appears so that Lord Enki was murdered yesterday," Leto finished with a simple, morbid sigh.

Sophie smirked against her teacup, thinking what the odds were that she would have to act like she was utterly surprised.


She was so not in the mood.

"Well, that's very... um-sad? I hope you can offer my condolences to his family," Sophie charitably supplied and when she thought it didn't sound enough for a queen who lost one of her supposedly trusted court officials, she added, "So, how did it happen?"

As if she didn't already know...

Leto looked awfully uncomfortable for a person who always kept his calm, "They say it was a murder. A stealthy one. Not something a lot of people caught before it was already too late. Enki's men argue that there was no breach – that there couldn't have been one, though it is my personal belief that they were just indignant about a breach despite their infamous security system."

Sophie struggled in vain to mask her laugh when she asked, "Any clue of who might have been involved?"

"It was the classic 'throat-slit' case. Not a well-arranged robbery either, as anything of monetary value was not reported missing, surprisingly. It could easily pass for revenge however," Leto paused and after a beat added, "He was branded with a swan insignia..."

Sophie laughed at how fun this was turning out, "Just because someone decided to be artistically original with their form of tortures by- you know, imprinting a bird-shaped burn on that wretch- er- guy, doesn't mean what you think it means!"

Oh, it's definitely what you think it means!

"So, you are saying you don't believe in there being a 'Black Swan'?"

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