Reverie Of Revelations

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"How did Fitz even get himself up there?" Sophie asked exasperatedly, trying to suppress a wild desire for laughter.

As narrated by a devious Biana, last weekend had an occurrence of Fitz falling off the second story – only for a hefty chandelier to break his fall. It could've injured Fitz, and was definitely NOT something to laugh about. But... the image of a helpless Fitz suspended by a chandelier was something really hard to get out of her head. And so, with a heavy heart, Sophie, in a not-so-guilty manner, burst into peals of laughter.

"Now that is something even I would like to know! Heavens, if Fitz saw me spilling such secrets this way – especially to you – he would go on rage mode again. As if, one would be scared of that wimpy of a chicken though!" Biana exclaimed, only to add, "A dangling one, at that!"

Another chorus of giggles followed, as the lush greenery of the palace garden slowly came into focus.

A thump of boots rustled in the hallway to Sophie's left.

Sophie held a finger to her lips, motioning Biana to quiet her titters.

"We better compose ourselves, in case someone's here!" Biana agreed.

Sophie almost expected Linh - asking her to be back at the throne room for another one of those trials - but she realized that the sounds of the boots clanking against the floor were a rhythm of carefree motions.

Perhaps, a little too carefree.

Before she could dwell on that further though, a figure emerged from the aforementioned hallway.

Of course.

Sophie sighed, as she watched Prince Keefe straightening himself for a bow, that could hardly be considered one.

"Your Majesty! Ahh, looks like we cross paths again!" the prince smirked his usual, obnoxious smirk.

Sophie resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she replied, "I would be surprised if we didn't, you know, staying in the same palace and all."

His smirk only widened, definitely not registering Sophie's scowl, as he prepared himself to comment on that.

Sophie cut him off, gesturing at Biana, "This is His Highness, Prince Keefe Sencen of Cressida."

"Good day to you, Your Highness! Allow me to introduce myself as Lady Biana Vacker of the dukedom of Everglen - Lord Fitzroy's sister" Biana curtseyed, the jolly expression not leaving her face, for once.

Sophie watched the prince stare at Biana with pure amusement.

Why was that?

As if almost sensing Sophie's confusion, he replied, "Just Keefe, please? Titles make me feel itchy. And yes, the infamous teal eyes gave you away!"

Biana laughed, "My brother says that you were very good friends – since his first visit to Cressida."

Wait, Fitz knew Prince Keefe? They were good friends?

"Yes, we wer- umm, are really good friends," Prince Keefe tried to put it there confidently, but his voice broke with the last few syllables.

It was as if he was trying to convince himself that.

"We're heading for the gardens, for tea. Would you like to join us, perhaps?" Biana questioned before Sophie could even think of stomping on her feet.

She thought that the look she shot Biana would be reproachful enough to knock some sense into her – or so she hoped.

"It's fine. I do not wish to intrude, but then again, a lovely chat is perhaps all I need at this moment! So, yes, I would love to. If it's alright with Her Majesty though," He looked at Sophie with a mock innocent look.

This guy...

"The more the merrier, is what I always say!" Sophie said through gritted teeth.


"I have heard that Cressida is well reputed for its hair products. A lot of our residents have praised the peak in their business conditions due to that, back when they used to trade with Cressida," Sophie commented while sipping on the warm floral tea.

"I mean, I really am a great manifestation of these claims, aren't I?" the prince raked his hand through his stupidly-perfect hair.

Sophie almost choked on the tea, and had to clear her throat a couple of times before muttering, "You seem to have very high opinions of yourself..."

"I mean, can you really blame me?" He gestured at himself as if that was enough to answer the question.

Talk about an inflated ego.

Despite herself, Sophie found herself smiling to say, "You sure a funny character, Your Highness."

His smirk softened into a smile as he said, "An honor..."

That was unprecedented.

Sophie stared in astonishment.

Not liking titles.

Being more cordial than his history should have allowed.

Such lighthearted conversations.

Sophie took all of it into account as the prince looked out of the gazebo at the geraniums that lined the way. Could he really be different? Had she been wrong about him?

Realizing a few moments later, what she was thinking, she shook her head – hard. She had graciously crossed out 'manipulating' when describing the prince. How could she forget that he was the son of a lying, manipulating, and utterly conniving woman, who had always laced her words and deeds with a similar sweetness, to get on the top? What were the odds that he could be any different?

She wouldn't fall for this act. Nope!

The once-sugary tea now tasted bitter in her mouth as she put the cold cup back on the little table in front.

"I personally approve of the apple-blossom-scented shampoo that your kingdom came up with! It is absolutely lovely!" a merry voice brought her out of her thoughts that led Sophie's gaze to fall on Biana sitting right next to her.

She had completely forgotten that Biana was there. She was just that much absorbed in these conspiracy theories.

"I lean more towards the pine-scented ones though," Prince Keefe laughed.

"That is something Fitz would have said. No wonder you were best friends! Alvar on the other hand would surely-"

"Alvar?" the prince questioned Biana, all blood seeming to have drained from his face, as he stiffened.

Sophie curiously turned her full attention to the prince.

"Uh, yes, he happens to be our eldest brother," a bewildered Biana clarified.

The prince seemed to have noticed the silence looming over, which made him want to put on an air of nonchalance as he said, "Oh yes, Fitz mentioned him one time, now that I remember."

"I see that our brother mentions his family a lot then," Biana rolled her eyes and laughed.

Sophie had delayed it enough. There was no time to lose now that it had been spelled out to her.

"You would have to excuse me, for now," Sophie muttered as she rose to her feet, squinting at the evening rays that bent towards the gazebo now.

"Already?" Biana's mutter had a little whine to it, as she got up as well.

Sophie nodded.

The prince smiled and fell into a graceful bow as he said, "Alright then! It was a more-than-pleasant evening, Your Highness and Bi- Lady Biana, and I suppose it is about time that I take my leave as well!

Sophie watched as his shadow slowly melted into the halls.

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