Burdensome Dreams

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Sophie watched as Linh pinned her hair into an intricately woven bun, sided by a tiny braid that swiveled around her head like those flower circlets she used to make as a child.

"Did you let Biana know?" Linh asked as she looped a loose strand back into the bun.

"If you mean Alvar's 'trial', then no, none of the Vackers know," Sophie explained.

"I don't mean to contradict, but don't you think they should know?" Linh inquired, with a worried glance.

"I am pretty sure you know why I haven't told Fitz yet. He wouldn't think twice before strangling Alvar to death for betraying everyone's trust – though, I do not mind the idea of Alvar dying in an utterly pitiful manner, this would be a huge inconvenience to my plans," Sophie sighed as she leaned against the back of the chair.

"Yes, now I do see what you are getting at!" Linh shuddered, probably at the thought of what Fitz could do when he lost his bearings.

"Hmm, unfortunately, extracting information from Alvar would require him alive, so yes," Sophie said through gritted teeth.

"What about Biana?"

"About her, Alden, and Della? Well, if they knew, they would start acting differently with him around, and though, Alvar might not be the brightest bulb in the box, he might suspect something about my motives and strike back. And, I just want him on the battlefield, unprepared – that's all," Sophie said as she slowly rose to her feet and straightened the hems of her black gown.

A sad smile washed over Linh's face as Sophie's gaze met her.

"I know, you probably think your friend to be a devious monster, but, trust me, that's the only way life works," Sophie managed to say with a forced smile.

Linh shook her head mildly, and laughed, "That's the last thing I could ever think of you as! And I would do the same thing as you if I were in your place. Those wretched people need to be shown their places, for all they did to you – to us."

Monstrous claws tugged at Sophie's heartstrings when Linh added, "So, never feel like you are in the wrong, because you are not."

Sophie nodded, not sure how firm the grip of her emotions on her, was.

"Now, one last thing..." Linh muttered as she forced Sophie back onto the seat.

Linh lowered her hands into the ebony-wood chest and pulled up the crown. It was a hooked gold frame, dotted with tiny diamonds along the many spirals. Blood-red ruby jewels embroidered the bottom of the crown, making a dainty swan motif where the stones met.

Sophie swiped at her eyes, hoping that they didn't look misty. The blinding light reflecting off the oval ruby stones resurfaced a long-forgotten memory, against her will...


"Can I please wear it again?" a little Sophie had cried to her father, who had only laughed in response.

"Darling, it will be yours, one day. And then, you can wear it as many times as you like!" King Grady had assured her, with a chuckle.

"Really? Why can I not become the queen now?" came out, as the pretty crown had sat condescendingly on top of her father's head – so far away from her reach.

Her mother had shaken her head at her father's laugh, as she came forward and put the slightly heavy crown on top of Sophie's blonde ringlets.

A lot of squealing and a thousand other words of caution had followed, that day.

And nothing could have dampened her mirth, she had thought as she jumped about relentlessly, the crown hanging precariously atop her little head.

Later that day Queen Edaline's warm smile hadn't reached her eyes when she had pulled Sophie into her arms to solemnly whisper, "This crown will feel a lot heavier when you are actually entitled to wear it. Remember darling, a lot comes with this one crown – duties, responsibilities, regret at making hard choices, and the pressure of doing everything right. Promise me that you will do it right..."


Sophie jolted out of those thoughts as a familiar pressure fell onto the crest of her head – the crown she had always wanted to put on as a child.

And now, the true meaning of her mother's words sank in. The crown really did feel burdensome – the weight of it choking her, beyond words.

"Sophie? Do you feel alright?" Linh made it a silent whisper as she massaged Sophie's shoulders to ease her.

"Ahh, yes, alright!" Sophie muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose when she realized how unconvincing that sounded.

Sophie gulped on a fresh batch of air and let her nerves calm. She felt her once-roaring pulse now pacifying to its usual rhythm. She loosened her clenched fists and swayed to the sound of her calm breaths.

She sighed.

When Sophie glanced up, she saw Linh right where she had left her, standing in a statuesque manner – only letting that nervous gaze break the façade.

"I am alright," Sophie tried soothing Linh's stormy soul – that she tried to hide, of course.

"If you say the word 'alright' one more time, I am bounding you to the chair and taking you straight to the healing chamber!"

Sophie managed a weak smile and said, "Oh, never mind that! I just err- remembered something!"

"Despite it being my turn to ask you to clarify more on that, I think you should just rest," Linh implored.

"What are the odds that I will actually listen to you?"

"None..." Linh sighed to continue, "But you do not seem to be in good shape. Sophie, I am pretty sure you can postpone the trial to some other day, right?" Linh ejaculated in a coaxing manner.

Sophie waved her hands dismissively at the idea. There was absolutely no way that she was delaying Alvar's case any longer. She had waited patiently for one chink in Queen Gisela's armor to appear, and now that she had one huge opportunity to exploit it, nothing could make her back down.

Absolutely nothing.

The silence during Sophie's scheming period was enough to be a response for Linh who shook her head resignedly to say, "Fine! Just be safe! And if you ever need to talk, know that I am always here."

Linh probably attempted to smile, only for her to look like a grimacing ferret.

Sophie laughed, despite herself, "Thank you, Linh – for everything."

Linh shrugged reflexively and said, "Now, hurry up or you will be late! You know tardiness doesn't bode well for what awaits you!"

Sophie nodded as she watched the giant obsidian doors of her room sway open.

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