Siren's Call

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The heavily-laden boughs of apple blossoms dipped in curtsies as the early April breezes frolicked about the castle grounds. Sophie gulped in the scent of fresh pines, the spiciness of it, pacifying her nerves.

Trudging forward on the gravelly pathway, her eyes trailed over Marella's tiny figure as she sneaked into the shadows of the corridors, expertly.

Sophie shook her head lightly, a slight smile gracing her features.

"There's no reason to be furtive now. Espionage is all about keeping hold on the right cover for the job. Now, for an instance, is the time for you to act like you belong, given you have the right utilities," Sophie eyed Marella's neatly tailored gown meaningfully.

Marella stopped in her tracks, examined her clothing as an afterthought and laughed, "Oops, forgot that we're not at Enki's anymore! Nervous habits! Sneaking into places has become second nature to me now, with all the occasional thievery here and there!"

Sophie raised an eyebrow.

Marella, having registered her choice of words, winked, "Don't judge me, okay? A girl's gotta steal to earn her loaf of bread!"

Sophie smiled, feeling the irony of it, "By all means, I am in no position to judge- murdering people and all," with that, she pointed an accusatory thumb at herself.

Marella shrugged, "Makes us, desperadoes even, in a world of hard play."

Sophie's only response was a tight laugh.

Marella, however, wasn't ready to let that conversation die just there yet.

"Your friend – the extra fussy one with the bizarre moss-tinted eyes– she didn't tag along, I see?" Marella noticeably suppressed a laugh beneath her mock-innocent tone, knowing quite well, why Sophie's teal-eyed friend didn't accompany Sophie and Marella on the way back to the castle.

Sophie couldn't care less about the passive aggressive behaviour that each of them ignited in the other.

"I didn't notice. I was much too occupied with averting the security while you jabbed your hands at the trinkets in Enki's office," Sophie smiled brightly, a stark contrast to the almost-sour tone she applied on that.

Marella laughed breezily, "That old duck had good taste, I'll give him that," she looked directly at Sophie to add, "As for your Vacker friend, I would say, I have a few suspicions as to why she wasn't feeling all that unicorn-happiness around me."

Sophie cocked her head as if to catch a better glimpse of that look which had momentarily passed on Marella's face as she said that.

In fact, for once, Sophie thought Marella was skirting around, aiming to be serious.

But then, all too soon, a devilish grin graced her lips, "I mean, in all my dazzling glory, how can I possibly be surprised if wannabe-fashionistas such as your friend, burn in envy? Though, who can blame your friend for not feeling up-to mark around a professional serial killer?"

Marella sighed as if the burden of all that 'dazzling glory' was getting a little difficult for her to live with.

Sophie huffed, in turn at the hopelessness of the whole affair.

Marella had requested (more like, whined Sophie into submission) saying that she had a business with her. Something that better had to be dealt with, inside Sophie's territory. Sophie bit back the urge to correct that, technically, all Aurelian land was Sophie's territory. But she appreciated Marella's concern, because whatever it was, that she wanted to talk about, could wait until they were inside the unassuming walls of her castle.

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