The Visit

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"Hello, men," I said with a wide grin as I stepped into the dungeon and took them in. They all had dirty clothes and lunged at the bars as soon as they heard me. "You mind a little light, Code? You boys get the once in a lifetime chance to see my face. Enjoy it while it lasts. Especially because I'm younger than you think I am." I grinned.
"At it, Sage," Cody replied with a wild grin at me. He struck a match and then lit a torch. I stood with my back to them all and then spun around and pulled off my hood after Cody had lit all the torches.
"Hello again, boys," I smirked. "Meet Sage. I'm eighteen. I duped some of you when I was four. And then again when I was eight. And when I was fifteen. I'm sure you can all do the math, right?" I smirked at them and ran a hand through my hair.
"This is the little brat that got us stuck in here, Captain?!" A man shrieked.
"So you did have a crew back then, Daryll. That's your name, right? Or did you change it out of embarrassment?" I grinned at his shocked face.
"No, thief," Daryll replied shortly. I grinned. He still hated me.
"Yep. I'm a thief. And, to be honest, I love it. It gives you freedom and you can do anything you want. Why do you think I became a thief? Especially at such a young age?" I said with a wide smile.
"I bet your parents are ashamed of you right now," Daryll sneered. I flinched. He had struck a weak point.
"Ha! You made the thief flinch, Daryll!" A man hooted. The dungeon erupted in laughter. I nodded at Cody and he blew the torches out before quickly relighting them.
I held Daryll close to hte bars by the front of his shirt.
"You will not speak to me about my family ever again. Understood?" I growled. I produced a knife from my sleeve and he grunted as I applied light pressure to his neck with it. A thin line of blood appeared and dribbled down his neck.
"Have your guards check him over again. He's got a lock picker," I said. I dropped him on the ground. "Code, I'm done here. Come on." I scowled as I stormed out of the dungeons. As soon as I was outside of the palace I tried to release the tension from my shoulders and the anger brewing in my body. The hatred and pain.
I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. It didn't work. Cody tried to calm me down a bit more too. Zane and Zaria were watching silently from the benches.
"I can't. I've had enough of everyone mentioning my parents. Life isn't fair, I already know that. I've known that since I began life. But for a parent to abandon their child because of a birthmark? They should be killed. That's my new goal in life. To hunt them down and kill them. Are you with me, Cody? It's up to you. I'll do it alone if I have to," I said, looking him in the eye.
"Of course I am. After all, we've been doing this together for nearly our entire life. Since we were three. I'm not leaving your side now. Not after everything we've accomplished together. We're the best thieves ever. Period. And with both of our skill sets, we could easily dominate the world," Cody said with a wide grin as he smacked my back.
"And I'll always be with you," I said with a grin. Cody grinned back and we turned to the two twins who were watching as if this was some sort of training match and game.
"Brothers forever, right?' Cody asked with a grin.
"Always, Code," I said, returning his smile. But right now I've still gotta go blow off some steam. I'll be back in a few minutes. Gotta run a bunch of laps. Feel free to join me. And Zane, get us some water." I smirked at his shocked face and then took off running before he could open his mouth.
I ran twenty laps around in twenty-five minutes and beat Cody by five minues. I was still faster than him. I sped around the palace one more time and then waited for Cody to finish.
He finally finished five minutes later and sat down on a bench with me as we gulped water. I refused to take my glove off. I argued with Cody about that for a while.

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