Snipers On The Rooftop

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We arrived in a limo.
The school was more like a very large mansion. Three stories high and twice as wide as the largest mansions.
As soon as we walked in, we got weird stares from people. They were all dressed very fancily. In suits and dresses fit for balls. And then we entered the classroom. The teacher was a lady and was also wearing a very fancy dress. It was a light shade of blue with small sequins all over it that made it sparkle in the light.
"Your Highnesses, Sirs and Ma'ams, we have two new students here with us today. Please welcome them. Stand up, say your name, and an interesting fact about you," the lady said. I bit my lip and looked over at Cody with a slightly troubled expression.
Cody stepped forwards first.
"I'm Cody and I'm currently staring at Princess Zaria's place," Cody said. I started nervously signing to Cody about what to say. The only interesting thing about me was that I was a great thief. I can't exactly say that.
"I'm Alec and Princess Zaria picked me to stay at her palace out of hundreds of other men," I said. I bit my lip again and quickly sat down.
"Mr. Alec, please take off your gloves. They make it harder for you to write and take notes," the teacher said. I froze.
"No," I said. I wasn't about to show my hand. Ha! Now it sounds like I'm playing poker. Nobody will see my hand.
"I'm sorry. Did you just tell me no?" the lady said.
"Yes, lady. I told you no. My gloves aren't coming off. Not for you they aren't," I scowled.
"And what about him?" the lady asked rhetorically. And suddenly she had Cody in a headlock. My eyes narroed and I placed a needle between my teeth. I spat it out and it pierced through the lady's earlobe. Small dots of blood dripped down her ear and onto her dress but she didn't even move. Not a single flinch or wince.
"You know, I think you're rather lucky I'm injured right now. Let Cody go," I said quietly. My voice sounded like steel. I gritted my teeth and drew a small blade from inside my sling. I threw it and it pinned the lady's dress to the wall. I threw another and she was stuck, unable to move. Cody returned to my side again.
"Is there a problem here?" A voice asked. I turned and saw the king himself standing in the doorway.
"Yes, Your Majesty. this rabid child just threw knives at me," the lady complained.
"This 'rabid child' as you say, is also the love of my daughter's life. And if he was at his full strength and you had actually injured Cody, who knows what might have happened," King Anthony said. He almost seemed bored.
"I know what would've happened. I would've killed her," I seethed. "And I will if she touches Cody again."
"Now, now, Alec. Don't be so harsh," King Anthony clucked his tongue.
"You know fully well that I don't take advice from anyone other than Cody. What's the answer? Will they be let out or not?" I asked sharply, changing the subject abruptly.
The other students, royals, nobles and duchessess, were murmuring about how I had just talked back to the king od this kingdom.
"Yes, Alec. They are free to go. But only after they swear themselves to you. I know we can't make you do anything and if we touched Cody you'll have our heads and kill us all, but we need to make sure they're pledged to someone we can trust," King Anthony said slowly.
"Hold up. Did the king just say they could trust someone who would kill them?"
"What is happening?"
I tensed as Zane came striding through the doors and stood in front of me.
"And what do you want, Zane?" I scowled.
"I felt the need to tell you that your parents are nearly dead in the dungeons now. We threw them in with Daryll and the others," Zane replied calmly. "And I hope we can get a fresh start. I know it didn't go as planned for any of us. And I'm sorry for shooting you."
"Don't be. I wanted to get shot. It's better for my life if I know what everything feels like and am prepared for anything, Zane. You should know that. I believe even Zaria knows that. And she's your twin sister," I said.
"You should've dodged my shot. You didn't have to let yourself get shot," Zane said.
I heard the shattering of a window and shoved the king and Zane to the ground secnds before I caught a bullet inches away fron my face.
"Sh*t. Now, who told everyone who I am?" I shot a pointed look at Zane.
"What? You're blaming this on me? I just said I wanted a redo with you," Zane shouted.
I shook my head sadly. "You two leave. Code, you ready?"
"Always, Sage. Always," Cody said with a grin. I flashed a bright smile back at him as I heard people murmuring about him calling me Sage and me calling him Code. The names of the two most popular thieves on the streets.
"What? You never guess? My reflexes are insane. As well as my loyalty. If you touch my friends, you'll pay for it," I swore.
"Always the devil, Sage, always the devil," Cody said with a shake of his head. "There's a sniper on the roof up there behind the trash bin. If you throw something hard enough from this angle, you should knock him out and then the guards here can gather the trash."
"Great job, Code. Always a pleasure working with you," I said with a grin. I dashed to my locker and grabbed a bow and my quiver. I returned to the room and shrugged my sling off, ignoring the sting as I raised my arm and drew the bowstring back to shoot. I fired a shot off at the man.
"I said to knock him out. Not kill him," Cody said.
"Oh. Well, I'm still a bit amped up from the weird teacher. Strange that it happens to be on the same day that he shot right where you used to be standing when you were in the headlock. We'll interrogate the lady later. Zane, get her back to the palace. Tell Daryll I said to interrogate her about today and what happened with the shooting and Cody. Make sure to tell him it's from Sage. Not Alec," I shouted. Zane nodded and I dashed outside to find the man dead behind the trash. Whelp. He deserved it.

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