Celestial Steel Bullets

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Cody Spry P.O.V

I froze as Zane pulled a gun out and aimed it at Alec. This was bad. He was going to pull the trigger. Zaria froze and so did her little brother and sister. Even the king and queen froze. I mean, pulling a gun out at breakfast and aiming it at one of the guests. I tensed next to Alec and our eyes narrowed. His eyes darted from corner to corner as he searched for a way out of this mishap.
"I can't get out of this one. But after I'm gone, make sure Zaria knows," Alec whispered. My eyes widened slightly as I caught onto what he was saying.
"You're not going to die. Not after everything we've done together. It can't end like this. It can't," my voice broke.
"It's alright, Code. I kenw this would happen sooner or later. It was expecting it. You have to move on without me. Live a new life. Stop stealing and grow a family and fall in love. We shouldn't have met. If we hadn't, you wouldn't have to watch this and you wouldn't get caught in all of my schemes and dangerous adventures," Alec said with a small shake of his head. "I'm ready to go. I have no family and no true life. I've known nothing but violence, stealing and lying. My parents abandoned me and nobody knows my name. I'm ready to go. please, Cody, after I'm gone, just make sure my name is remembered."
"You can't. How do you accept defeat this easily? I've knwon you to retaliate in positions like this. To find a way out of it no matter the cost," I was getting more and more nervous as the seconds passed. It wasn't like Alec to just give up. I had known him nearly our entire lives and he had never given up. Never.
"I can't have the rest of the royal family hurt even though I dislike their mother and zane. It wouldn't be fair to Amy, Angel and Zaria if I hurt them. I'll leave you one more mission to do. Make sure my name is known all around the world. My true name and false name, after all, you're the only one who can do that," Alec said with a wink and a small smile.
I turned back to Zane. I didn't know what to say. For once, I was clueless. Zane pulled the trigger just as Zaria screamed at him.
"I love him!" Zaria screamed. Alec stood still as he let the bullet hit him. He did nothing to avoid it or stop it. I saw a small red dot start blossoming on his shirt. He started to take a step forward but nearly collapsed. I moved to catch him but was too slow.
"Alec!" I shouted. "Alec . . ."
I turned my full attention to Zane and left Alec to Zaria.
"I'm going to kill you for this, Zane. I will," I swore. "You don't just kill people because you dislike them."
"So his real name is Alec," Zane murmured. Amy and Angel were screaming.
Now there was nobody who could stop me if I lost my temper. Alec was motionless and Zane was the only person I could see. And he was in red.
I slid my hands into my boots and drew out two sharp knvies. I drew out a few needles as well and threw them at Zane. He couldn't dodge the needles and got cut all over. I smiled wickedly as small dots of blood began to appear all over him.
I threw a knife and it sliced deeply into his arm and then again in his thigh. He shot the gun again. This time at me. I ducked and then knocked his feet out from underneath him. I grabbed a fistful of his shirt and yanked him so he would face me.
"I am going to kill you. Slowly and painfully," I swore. I picked up another of my knives and began to slowly press it into Zane's neck.
"Cody. Don't do it. I mean nothing to the world. I've caused chaos and pain to everyone in the dungeons. If you kill Zane, it'll hurt his family and the entire kingdom. Don't do it, Cody. Please," Alec called out. His voice was weak and he was spitting out blood as he spoke. I froze as he said please.
"Alec," I whispered. "Alec, I'll fix you. I'll heal you. I'll find a way to make sure you stay alive. I don't know what I would do without you. You were always the one who was doing the planning. You're my only friend. The only person I can trust."
Alec took a deep breath and his entire body shuddered as he laid back with his head against a table leg.
"You're Alec Spades. The greatest thief of all the thirteen kingdoms," I whispered. "Please."
"I won't leave you, Cody. Not yet. I haven't taught you all of my tricks," Alec said wih a wink and a cocky smile before going limp and falling unconscious.
"You little *sshole," Zane swore as he ran at me. I scowled and punched him int eh face repetitively.
"you don't get it, do you? There was only one person who could get me to calm down. Who could contain me. And now he's almost dead. Because of you. You're lucky he told me not to kill you or you would already be dead. I'm fine with becoming a fugitive, Zane, as long as Alec is avenged," I promised.

Zaria Wickered P.O.V

I was stunned at everything that had happened. Zane shooting Sage with a Celestial Steel Bullet. Cody revealing his true name. Zane going after Cody. Cody nearly killing him. Everything was blurred. Except for one thing. I had yelled that I loved Sage. I don't care what Zane says. I'll help Cody and I'll help Sage.
I raised a hand and tugged on Cody's sleeve, he froze and turned to me. I pointed at Sage's body and asked if he could help me. He nodded once and then carefully picked him up and carried him all the way to the bedroom they shared.
I let Cody do the rest from there on after giving him supplies and medicine he could use.

Cody Spry P.O.V

I carefully took Alec's shirt off and washed the wound quickly, dressing it and then applying antibiotics to it. I sat in a chair next to his bed and couldn't stop shaking. I jsut couldn't. I tried to get some sleep, but everytime I did, I always dreamed of the same thing. It was torture over and over again. I kept dreaming of Alec getting shot and admitting defeat. He could've moved out of the way with his reflexes. Why didn't he? Alec had the best reflexes out of everyone I know. I know lots of people because I've stolen from them and been running from them. Some of them had extremely good reflexes. Alec's were at leas three times greater than the average person's. I was pretty fast, faster than normal, but nowhere as fast as Alec. He grew up his entire life on the streets. Alone and fending for himself.
"Alec," I whispered. I didn't know what else to say. I left his room the next day and came back with the three pears and set them on the nightstand.
I closed ym eyes for a few seconds but they flew open after a few seconds. I though I had heard Alec's voice and I was starting to have nightmares.
"Cody?" Alec repeated. My eyes opened again and I looked at him. He was watching me with wide eyes. "Great. You're awake. I've made a few tweaks to our original plan. Instead we'll be stealing from Zane. He's the only one that deserves it."
He was awake.
I laughed as tears streamed down my face. Alec smiled softly at me and opened his arms. I obliged and fell into them. This was the first time i had cried in years.

Alec Spades P.O.V

I smiled softly at him as my thoughts all went to Cody. He needed a hug. He must've been terrified and extremely worried about me for him to cry. The last time I had seen him cry was when he was telling me about his parents and how they died.
After Cody let go of me, I slowly sat up and frowned at where I was. I picked up a remote off the nightstand to see what it did. A TV popped up out of the desk. Cool.
"Did the news get out about Zane shooting me?" I asked with a cough. "Sorry. Can you go get me some water?" I scratched the back of my head sheepishly with a small smile.
"Sure, Cody said. His eyes were red. I wonder how long I was sleeping for. Hopefully all of the street thieves still know I exist. I don't like fame, but I do like to inspire people, even if I'm used as inspiration for something bad.

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