Playing Magician

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Zaria Wickered P.O.V

I watched the two of them bicker and argue about taking Sage's glove off. Sage kept refusing and Cody kept throwing smart suggestings at him. Sage continued to refuse.
He was strong. Stronger than most boys his age, both mentall and physically. They were sweating and laughing, their shirts plastered to their skin with sweat. I watched Sage genuinely laugh.
"How do you even trust them? They're thieves. And his name isn't even Sage. He only goes by it to those he doesn't fully trust," Zane remarked.
"I go by that to everyone except for Cody. Get it right, Zane!" Sage shouted.
"Hey! When did I tell you that you could call me Zane without the Prince?!" Zane shouted back at him. He sighed and turned back to me. "What are we goingto tell mother and father about them? Especially after the two of them knocked out half the royal guard alone. And I doubt they were fully trying. They're more strong and powerful than they let others think."
"We'll keep that part a secret. I'll just say that I was testing the guards against them to see where they needed improvement and the two boys had taken lessons since they were babies, so they could easily defeat them. Also, we need new guards anyways. Why not fire tehm?" I said with an easy shrug.
"Don't fire people for your mistakes, Zaria," Sage called calmly. He stood up with Cody. "We're going to our room. I'll see you two at dinner tonight. It's in a few hours, right? I was probably knocked out for a day, so I've been missing for a day, nothing's been stolen for a day, and everyone probably thinks I'm dead. Oh, and adios, Princey," Sage shrugged and I nodded. Zane's face turned bright red from being called 'Princey' in front of everyone.. I mean, I wasn't very surprised he would be frustrated about it all. I wouldn't be the one to fire them, though. That would be mother.
An hour later, I walked into the dining chambers. Zane and Kayla next to me, my other siblings on the opposite side facing us, and our parents at the head of the table.
And then Cody and Sage walked in dressed regally and elegantly. They both wore dark red and blue suits perfectly tailored for them. They looked liek hot models. Especially Sage.

Alec Spades P.O.V

I walked into the dining chambers with Cody at my side and took a seat. I studied Zaria's clothes. They were tight and beautiful. Intricately made to be delicate, hard, protective, and soft at the same time. It fit her too tightly. She wouldn't be able to breathe or eat.
Maybe I could loosen her dress for her.
D*mmit, Alec. Stop thinking dirty thoughts. She's a princess, you're a homeless orphan who planned to steal her treasure for your own use. Use your brain, Alec. I scowled and ate my plate quickly. I got to know her little sister and brother, Amy and Angel. They were cute and nice as well.
I stood up and went around the other side of the table to crouch down and talk to them. Cody followed my lead but remained stading up.
"I'm Sage. This is Cody. Do you want to watch something cool?" I asked. I picked an apple off the table and threw it in the air. A knife slid out of my sleeve and I caught it, slicing the apple into pieces in the air. Cody caught them all in his mouth one by one, and then spit them out at a dartboard. He hit the bullseye with all of them. Ten different boards, and he hit the bullseye on every single one of them.
The two siblings were staring up at Cody and I in awe.
"Do you want to see another trick?" I asked with a wide smile.
"Yes, lease!" They both replied, happy and optimistic about our next trick.
"Code, do you have any ideas of what to do next?" I asked with a cock of my head.
"Perhaps some . . . magic," Cody finished after a slight pause.
"Stop," the queen ordered, startling everyone. "They're armed in the palace. what happens if they hurt one of our younger children?" Everyone looked at her, including the king. Even the guest, Princess Kayla.
"Relax, Selena. They'll be fine. These two are just magicians trying to entertain the, and have fun. Besides, I trust Princess Kayla and Zaria's choices," King Anthony said with a light shrug and an easy-going smile.
"Another trick, then, Your Majesty?" I asked with another wide grin.
"Yes," the king replied with another smile.
"Excellent, Your Majesty," I said with my own smile. I'd be lying if I said this wasn't fun to do. As a thief, you pick up a lot of tricks on the streets.
"Ready, Sage?" Cody asked with a smile at me.
"Always am, Code. Always am," I replied with a smaller, more faulty smile. Cody noticed this and frowned. He always noticed everythign about me. Almost everything.
Cody stepped forwards in sinque with me and we both reached behind the kids' ears. I slid my hand away and pulled out Zaria's barrette from behind Amy's ear, and Cody pulled out Zane's ring from behind Angel's ear.
Zane choked on his wine for a second as the two kids held up what we had found behind their ears. Even Zaria seemed a little surprised, but it wasn't as obvious as Zane's reaction to it. Kayla was stunned and froze with her eyes wide before she lightly clapped. I grinned silently at her clapping and then again as I watched Zane spit the wine across the table and into Cody's face. Cody's eyes narrowed and he gritted his teeth. I shot him a look and he closed his eyes for a second to regain his composure. When he opened his eyes again, they were made of steel and burning with endless fire.
"Perfect, Zane. Just. Perfect," Cody bit out. "Take your ring back. I don't need it anymore."
I handed Zaria her barrette silently as I watched Cody to make sure he didn't do anything rash. We both had a problem controlling our angery and we relied on one another to keep it in check.
"Cody, that's enough," I said quietly. I moved closer and whispered in his ear. "You can get him back later."
"Fine," Cody said with a small nod.
"Amy, Angel, pleased to meet your acquaintance, but I feel as though we need to return to our room. Today has bene incredibly tiring. I believe both Cody and I need our rest for tonight. Please escuse us, Your Royal Majesties," I said with a low bow. I stood up and walked outside quickly. I needed to make sure Cody didn't lose his cool anymore than he already has. It would be extremely bad for all of us. Especially Zane and his family. If he wantd to, he could steal the crown off of the queen's head. I could do it too And I taught him how to steal like me. He's make a good me after I get caught one day.
"Cody," I started.
"I know. I know. I'm sorry. But to get hit in the face by a mouthful of champagne? Not as thrilling as thieving," Cody said with a head shake.
"Obviously not. But you can get your revenge on him another time, right, Cody?" I asked with a tilted head.
"Yeah. Sure, Alec," Cody muttered. "We both have to get our revenge on him. But we won't harm the princesses  the rest of the royal family. Only Zane."
"Only Zane," I agreed. "We both need to get some more energy out. Let's change into those shorts from the closet." Cody nodded and we both quickly changed into shorts and a t-shirt and sweatshirt. I ran around the place with him for about an hour before we retired to our room and fell asleep on the couch and bed.
The next morning, I rolled off the bed and fell onto the floor with a groan. Hmph. It felt nice to be back on the ground again. I don't know why. I just know it does. And then my mind wandered again. But instead of thieving and stealing on the streets, I thought of Zaria. With her perfect smile and commanding presence. Her long hair and intelligent eyes.
I groaned louder and banged my head on the wall on purpose. Why couldn't I get her out of my head? Oh, sh*t. There's only one reason why. And it wasn't possible. I forced myself to stop thinking about her and then quickly got dressed. Hopefully I can convince them to trust me on a horse so I could go riding today. Once again, Cody copied my style of riding clothes. And now we were dressed identical and nearly looked identical other than our slight height difference. He was only a few centimeters taller than me.
"Breakfast time?" Cody asked.
"Yep. And then after that, I hope I can ride another horse. I haven't ridden one in years. I wonder if they'll ever trust us. They probably won't, but still," I said with a lame shrug.
Cody laughed and then opened the door and we walked out together.
We found our way back to the dining chambers and were about to sit down when Zane pulled out a gun and aimed it at me.
Oh sh*t.

A Thief In the Palace (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now