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Her eyes widened as I heard a bell ring.
"May we come in, Your Royal Majesties?" A voice called. "We have an update on Sir Sage's family."
"Enter," King Anthony boomed.


Alec Spades P.O.V

"Your Majesties, they demanded to come. We couldn't throw them out. It would've caused a scene. we apologize for the inconvenience," the servant said. He bowed along with the man next to who.
Two more people followed them in. A man with pale skin and black hair, and a woman with light brown skin and black hair. They both wore fancy and expensive clothes. A long Japanese dress covered in small red flowers and a black sash at her waist. She had a flower tucked in her hair behind her ear and small black heels. The man wore a black suit with a white button down beneath it. He had black polished shoes and a tie he kept repositioning. I felt Cody rise behind me as I stood up with Zaria.
"Who might you two be?" Zaria asked with slightly raised eyebrows.
"Kane Blank and Sasha Blnk, Your Majesties," the man replied with a low bow. The woman curtsied.
"Your business," Zaria said. Her voice was as cold as iron. Even Zane looked a little shocked at her tone.
"We're here to pick up our son. We heard he was staying with you. You see, Your Majesties, he ran away from home a few days ago. We've been looking for him ever since," Kane said with a faked sad face. I was an actor. I knew when people where acting or lying to me. Wow. Dis. A. Point. Ing. "Sage, come over here."
"I don't believe it," I said incredulously. "Stop talking sh*t. It's making me annoyed. Highly annoyed. Do you know what I do when I get annoyed? I kill. Ask everyone in the dungeons what I do when I get annoyed. Perhaps you two can even join them there."
"Sage, don't tell us you've already forgotten our faces. You've only been missing for a few days," Sasha said softly. My eyes narrowed.
"The picture. Who was in it with me?" I asked, referring to the one Zaria had uploaded to the internet.
"Your friend, of course," Sasha replied with a smile.
"And what's his name?" I asked.
"Skylar. Isn't that right, Kane?" Sasha replied. Cody choked on his drink in disbelief.
"See, he knows it's true," Kane said pointedly.
"Remind me, since I'm so forgetful, what's my name?" I asked, glancing at Cody to make sure he was okay.
"Sade," Sasha answered confidently.
"Wrong. I'm called Sage. Also, that's Cody. Not Skylar," I said with a smirk. "Now, about you two meet my old friends? Hopefully you'll stay with them forever." My eyes were ice, I knew that. My voice was steel and the look I gave was fiery, pure fire and ice combined.
The aura and feeling surrounding me was death. Cody could feel it. He knows when I irritated and ticked off. I mean, h*ll yeah I'm ticked off. They come in here and try to get me just to get to the royal family.
"A tour?" Cody spoke up. "Perhaps we can start in the dungeon." I held my hands behind me back and silently balled them into fists as two glimmering knives appeared in them.

I led the way to the dungeons to the cells where Daryll and the rest of them were held.
"Hello again, Daryll," I said cockily. "Mind if these two join you for eternity?"
"If they're related to you, then yes please, Sage," Daryll responded, a wicked smile forming on his face.
I wouldn't put them in the cells yet. I needed to torture them first.
"Back to the dining chambers?" I asked carefully.
Cody and I walked silently back to the dining room. We were doing sign language in front of us to communicate. He kept noddin once in a while to show he understood what I was signing.
I am going to kill them both if they're actually my parents. I swear, if it's the last thing I do, I'll find a way to kill them. I will always find a way past my hardships.
"We're going back. And you two, I want proof you're my parents. I doubt you have any," I said. "After all, you two wanted nothing to do with me when I was born. So tell me, why would you want anything to do with me now? Perhaps it's to get to th royal family. I'm fine with admitting that was my plan in the first place. Now, it's not as bad. I'm only going after Zane now instead of the other plan. But if you two are my parents, then you must have some sort of mischief and wicked side. If you don't then you're not my parents."
"Oh, we're your parents alright, kid. And we're dangerous," Kane seethed. Well, at least they're not that uncool. And then they whipped out guns and knives.
"Sh*t. You two are a couple of *ssholes," I swore.
"Hands up a lead us to your treasury," Kane growled.
I couldn't stop myself. I burst out laughing. Cody joined me a second later. We bent over and then lost our breath.
I coughed and spat out blood. Whoops. I forgot I was already shot. I probably shouldn't be shot again.
"What's so funny?!" Sasha shrieked.
"Oh. Well, that's what Code and I were planning to do when we first came here. Break into the treasury and steal it all," I said between laughs and coughs.
"See! I told you we couldn't trust them, father!" Zane shouted. "They had come here with bad intentions!"
"Focus on those two, *sshole. Right now, we're not the trouble," I said as I punched him in the shoulder.
"Like father, like son," Cody muttered.
"Don't. Just don't, Cody," I said with a shake of my head. "I don't want to be compared to him. He has no sense of style or stealth. Or a plan. What is it? Kill all of us and take the treasure by force? Funny. You'll have to go through us first."
"Alec!" I heard Cody shout. I dodged the first bullet fired.
"Sorry, old man. You'll have to be quicker than that," I said with a wink.
He fired again. I dodged it again. My reflexes were slower than usual. I really shouldn't have let myself get hit by Zane's bullet. It really impacted me. More than I thought it should. Must've been some kind of mystical bullet to sap someone's strength.
"Wait. If he can move like that, then why'd he get hit by my bullet?!" Zane cried out.
"I wanted to know what it feels like, Zane. Weird, right? I'm probably insane, but hey, it was all a great experience. Thrilling, fun, breathtaking and dangerous. And I had Cody with me nearly the entire time," I shouted back with a smile as I ducked beneath another bullet. I saw my hand start glowing and tore my glove off in shock. The glowing immediately stopped so I quickly put my glove back on. I shouted in pain as I felt a knife slice into my shoulder. Nearly to my bone. I gritted my teeth against the pain and lashed out. I blocked his next stab and then broke his arm and punched him in the face a couple of times. I took a step back and felt a heeled foot slam into my back. I dropped to my knees in an instant and relaxed as I felt another heeled shoe slam into my back. I flinched as the foot crashed into me again.
"Why isn't he doing anything to block it?!" Zane shouted.
I waited for her healed shoes to hit my again but instead I heard the bang of steel against steel. Cody.
I watched with wide eyes as he blocked her every move. I saw her foot lunge out and slam into his stomach, leaving him gasping for breath. I growled and rose to my feet again.
"You know, I can tolerate it if I'm hurt, but I won't tolerate it if you touch my friends,' I said with a low growl. My eyes anrrowed and turned to steel as soon as she hit Cody again. was this how he always felt when I got hurt? D*mn. I won't do this to him ever again.
I slammed my fist into her jaw and knocked her a step backwards. She kicked her foot out at me and I twisted it, hearing her bone snap in half. I laughed wildly. I was out of control. This was how Cody felt when he was about to kill Zane. I quickly disarmed the woman and knocked her out next to the man. No use calling them by their names anymore.
"Cody?" I knelt beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You alright?"
"Yeah. I'm fine. But you don't look as well. A bullet, a knife, and a sharpened high heel. Wow. Weirdest injuries ever," Cody said with a small shake of his head.
"I'll be fine," I said.
"You're going to have so many new scars," Cody said with a disappointed shake of his head.

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