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Alec Spades P.O.V

"Do people know Zane shot me?" I asked again.
"No. The royal family doesn't want this sort of h*ll unleashed in their kingdom. But the entire royal family knows your true name now. But they haven't told anyone else. Zaria convinced them to keep it a secret," Cody replied with a shrug. "And you've been out for a day. Even though you are a quick healer, you'll still need to watch what you're doing. You have to be careful for a while."
"I can't promise you anything," I said with a cocky grin. I laughed at his facial expression. Priceless.
"Also, Alec. Zaria knows you're still looking for your parents so she uploade dyour picture all over the internet. And your fake name. She posted about you using the name Sage Lancaster. I don't even know how she got that picture of you, do you?' Cody asjed as he shook his head.
"Yeah. She was spying on us in this room before. I saw her. But she didn't overhear anything important. After all, it wouldn't matter anyore since we're only going after Zane now. Let's make his life a living h*ll. Don't you agree, Cody?" I asked with a smug look. Cody grinned back and helped me out of bed.
I closed my eyes and rested a hand on the bedpost to steady myself as a wave of nausea hit me. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes again to see Cody watching me with a hint of fear shining through the determination in his eyes.
"I'll be fine, Code. I'll try and take it a bit easier for the next few days," I said. "Code, do you have my gloves?" He nodded grimly and handed them to me. I smiled slowly as I slipped the gloves on and then stood up without the bed. "Ready?"
"Always, Alec," Cody said with a smirk. "Let's go destroy his *ss." I laughed and led the way out of the door slower than usual. I lifted my shirt up for a second to look at Cody's bandaging job. He was good. Extremely good at healing jobs. Which probably also helped us grow even closer since I was always getting myself hurt back than.
I walked along the halls with my hand trailing the banister. I could feel Cody's concerned aze watching from next to me and shook my head to say I'll be fine.
"Relax, Code. It'll all be fine," Is aid quietly. "I'll be fine. Also, did I hear Zaria said she loved me before Zane pulled the trigger?"
"Yeah. You should tell her your feelings as well," Cody said. I frowned and playfully punched him in the shoulder.
"Yeah, not happening, Code," I said. "Is it lunchtime yet? I'm hungry and I need the food to replenish my strength."
"It's lunchtime. We can head there if you'd like," Cody said. I nodded.
"Thanks, Cody. For always sticking with me. I know I'm trouble and being around me causes everyone else to be in trouble," I said sheepishly.
"You don't have to thank me, Alec. After all, what are friends for?" Cody said with a smile as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
I smiled at him and then we pushed open the doors to the dining chambers.
Everyone turned to look at us. I scratched the back of my neck casually.
"Room for two more?" I asked rhetorically, the words rolling off my tongue. I caught Zane's eyes and smirked at him as I took a seat where I had sat before. I passed the king on my way over.
"Is Sage your real name?" Angel asked, his eyes wide as he leaned forwards.
"No. It's Alec. Alec Spades," I replied with a hint of a smile.
"Are you actually a thief?" Amy asked, her eyes wider than Angel's if that was possible.
"Yeah. Probably the greatest in the kingdoms. I'm assuming Zaria told you all of this and Zane tried to make us look bad?" I said with an even wider smile as Zane's ears turned red and the two siblings nodded happily.
"If you're a thief, Id like you to prove it," King Anthony demanded.
"You want proof that I'm a thief?" I asked.
I sighed and glanced over at Cody with a wink.
"Proof enough, King?" I asked cunningly as I held up a ring that used to be on his hand. His eyes widened as he looked down at his hand and realized that his ring, in fact, was gone.
"Oh, and Cody and I also have all of these. They're all Zane's. Cody stole them from him a while ago," I piped up with a wider grin as Zane glared at us. I pushed a pile of coins, jewelry and emblems to the center of the table. And they all had zane's initials on the backs of them.
"Mighty thieves indeed. Zaria never told us much about your childhood. I assume she doesn't know very much about it. Care to fill us in, Mr. Spades," King Anthony said with a crooked head.
"No. It's personal. I'd prefer to not share it with anyone. But you all obviously know I'm looking for my parents since Zaria posted something about it," I said with a shrug. "I suppose it's safe to say I'm not with my parents and I'm looking for them."
"Oh, is poor Sagey missing his momma?" Zane mocked with a fake sad expression.
"No. I'm looking for them to kill them. And my name's not Sage and I have no one to call family. Only one person. And he'll always be with me. But if you even think about touching Cody, I'll kill you, Zane. I swear I will," I swore. "And there will be nothing you can do or anyone else can do about it other than mourn your death." I cocked my head and forced myself not to kill him here and now. At least not in front of his younger siblings.
"I still believe we should get rid of him. He's a danger to all of us. We never even knew his name until yesterday," Zane said with authority.
"You don't have the shots here, Zane," I drawled. "Personally, I think it's Zaria's call. After all, she was the one who brought us here. Her call, Zane. Not yours. And you're the one who nearly got me killed. Twice, if I may add."
"You may not," Zane scowled.
"I wasn't asking for your permission, smart-alec," I said.
"Funny," Zane said dryly.
"'Course it is. After all, it came from me," I said with a wink and a grin at him. "And if it comes from me, it's bound to be funny."
"Sure. I'm thinking you're so cocky ecause of fame, right?" Zane quirked an eyebrow at me.
"No. I don't like fame. Only to be inspiring. Even if it's not the best things. I'm famous on the streets. Everyone knows me as Sage this and Sage that. But what they don't know is that it's all fake. And nobody will ever know. Not until I die," I swore.
"And what about your gloves? Why must you always wear them? Even at breakfast and when you sleep?" Zane questioned.
My lips parted but I made no sound. There was no excuse I could say for that.
"Spying on us while we sleep? Now who's the sneak?" Cody said with a fake smile. He was buying me time to think of an excuse.
"if you want to know why I wear gloves, you'll never find out. Not even after I die. There's only one person who knows. Maybe two. Right, Zaria?" I said with a cocked head and sharp look.
"Maybe," she mused. Her eyes widened as I heard a bell ring.
"May we come in, Your Royal Majesties?" a voice called. "We have an update of Sir Sage's family."
"Enter," King Anthony boomed.

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