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Helena's POV
February 8, 2003
Location: Missouri
Current Target: Alpha of Lusana

I looked up from the stack of paperwork my father had slapped on the table just moments before. It wasn't anything new: statistics and photographs of a known wolf pack in the area and our new mark. But this time it was different. He wanted me to go alone. To track and kill not only a werewolf, but an Alpha. This wasn't good. Alpha's were deadly, let alone protected by their entire pack. The survival rate amongst other werewolves was slim, but against a human? I would be lucky if I made it out alive. And here my father was, sitting calm and collected across from me, wanting me to accept the mission and kill the Alpha of Lusana.
There was no way in hell I would do that. Not alone. I stared at him, hoping he would laugh and say he was only joking, but he never did.
"No." I found myself saying, my composure coming back to me all at once, "Are you insane?! There is no way in Hell, I am going against an Alpha!"
The disappointment on his face was evident as soon as I finished. My father's composure breaking at the hands of my defiance, and I winced, expecting him to react with a slap to the face. But he didn't. There was only silence between us as he calmly got up, his chair scraping against the tile floor. I watched as he rounded the corner of his desk, before walking behind me, his hands behind his back and his shoulders square.
"I knew you would be stubborn." He said, his voice unwavering and commanding against the quiet of the room, "But I never thought you would think this was a request."
I swallowed the lump in my throat, my mind and heart racing at the thought of what he would do now that I finally said no. Not only was he the leader of The Order of the Moon and the most revered hunter of our time, but he was also the only family I had.
"Your mother never liked our hunts." He continued as if reading my mind, "but her compassion for those monsters was her undoing! Are you with me or against me Helena? You have twenty four hours to decide."
Without another word, he slammed the door behind me, showering the room in silence as he left me to my thoughts.
I screamed, swiping my hand over his desk, watching as the papers that will spark my demise fell to the ground. I knew that if I said no, they would kill me. I was fucked.
I slammed my bedroom door behind me, my mind ablaze. I couldn't complete the mission, especially if he expected me to do it alone. I knew he was testing my loyalty but this was fucked up, even for him.
If I left, where would I go? I had no money and every werewolf knew my name. I was expected to lead an army of werewolf hunters. Now I was about to face my death because of my father's ambition.
Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm my thundering heartbeat. I needed to think. To clear my head and come up with a plan. I needed my sanctuary, and I wanted peace: I had to get to the Moonlit Creek. Without wasting a moment longer, I grabbed a duffel bag from my closet and stuffed a towel inside and my sketchbook. Clearing my throat, I slung the strap over my shoulder and headed outside, making a bee line for the forest.
I hoped I would still be able to come home and my father wasn't expecting me to kill the Alpha of Lusana, risking his only daughter to a cause that, from where I'm standing, had only brought more bad than good. But when I entered the forest that would take me to my mother's favorite hiding place, I had the sinking realization that this was exactly what my father wanted: to see my façade finally break.
Sixteen years of playing along, completely ruined with one command.
Usually the walk to the Creek was peaceful. I enjoyed the smell of dirt that permeated the air  and the sound of various insects humming was always addictive. However, all I could think about was the suicide mission. All to prove my loyalty to him and to The Order. The thought made me sick.
I knew I shouldn't agree but I had no other choice. I was a danger, not only to the Order but to the werewolf community. And as far as the United States government was concerned, I don't exist. Either way, I was screwed.
The distant sound of rushing water brought me back to my senses and I immediately ran toward it. I needed peace and the creek would give it to me one way or another. However, as soon as I pushed through the brush and saw the lake, I knew I had walked too far. I was no longer under the protection of The Order and was at the mercy of anyone — human or werewolf.
I cursed under my breath before quickly covering my mouth with my hand. Silently scolding myself for being so careless. Any second now a wolf would get a whiff of my sent and they would be here ready to tear me to pieces. Shit, and I only had my knife on me. This has got to be the worst day of my life!
I turned back around, hoping I would still have enough time to get home safely. Only, it was then that I locked eyes with the biggest wolf I had ever laid eyes on. His fur was a dark grey, and his eyes were a golden brown, a stark contrast to my blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Of course I would be thinking about what the wolf looked like and not about the fact that I'm about to be eaten alive!
"Fuck, I'm so dead!" I blurted, already accepting the fact that I would die the same way my mother had: by the teeth of a werewolf.
Swallowing my fear, I tried to calm down before taking the knife out of my boot and lunging at the wolf. Only to find that he transformed into a six foot five giant of a man, his perfectly chiseled face scowling when he caught my wrist before I managed to slice his neck open. In mere seconds, he spun me around, tying my hands around my back successfully keeping me from harming him.
He sighed, clearly annoyed before he spoke, his voice so deep I felt it in my soul, "Is this all I get from the infamous Helena McCoy? Really? I expected better from your little organization."
Despite my current situation, his voice sent shivers down my spine, not from fear, from want. My heart quickened at the sudden realization that I was no longer afraid of him like I knew I should be. What the hell? I took a deep cleansing breath, trying to figure out what I could do next. But all I could think about was the way his body was pressed against mine.
"Give up Helena," He whispered, his breath tickling the back of my ear, "You won't win."
Hell, It's like he wants me to cave. No doubt he smells how excited I was getting. What am I thinking? He's a werewolf for fuck's sake!
"If you're going to kill me," I finally said, pausing to get my head straight, despite my heart thumping wildly in my chest, "just get it over with. But before you do it, I want to speak to your Alpha. I have information he will find useful."
He wasted no time in spinning me around to face him, my body inches from his. I looked up at him, watching his scowl turn into a smirk, a knowing look across his perfect face.
"Sweetheart, you're looking at him." He replied, "So whatever you say better be worthwhile."
"If I tell you, will you let me live if I promise not to try to kill you again?"
He cocked an eyebrow at me, as if to say I was in a terrible position for negotiations. But I had to try. A second later he nodded, giving me the go ahead as he released his grip on me.
"Our next target is Lusana." I said, assessing my now badly bruised wrist before continuing, "He wanted me to kill their Alpha."
I cleared my throat and took a few steps away from him only to hear the most ferocious groal shake the clearing. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I turned to look at the wolf behind me only to meet him face to face. "I know you are upset, but—"
"Upset? I'm furious! Your organization has slaughtered hundreds of my people and now your father thinks he can kill me? An Alpha!" He screamed, beyond livid at this point, "And instead of doing his own dirty work, he sends his only daughter? What a fucking coward!"
I wasn't sure what to say. Yes, I had known about the killings and up until now, I wasn't sure if there was anything I could do to stop it. But I did know what we were doing was wrong. I had to leave and I needed to make things right. I would have to be the inside man – or rather, woman and disband the Order.
Wait, did he say Alpha?!
"You never told me your name." I said, as he turned to look back at me, unclenching his fists as he tried to calm himself down.
"Michael," he said after taking a breather, "My name is Michael Taylor and I am the Alpha of Lusana." He waited a second before taking a calculated step toward me, "I suppose you are trying to figure out how best you can infiltrate my pack."
"On the contrary," I replied, trying not to freak out at the sheer fact that I was standing face to face with the strongest wolf in the Midwest, "I want to disband the Order and I think we should work together."
I had to admit: I was desperate. If I went back and they found out I was coercing with my target, they would have my head. I also knew I couldn't continue the pattern the Order expected. This was never the life that I wanted. But maybe if I went with him, I could have a safe and happy future. And once the Order was gone, their race would be safe and I could live in peace amongst my kind like I should have to begin with. It was a win-win situation, I just needed to convince Michael I won't betray him.
"Okay," he finally said, breaking the silence between us, "But on one condition."
"I won't kill you or your pack, got it."
"Yes and if you try, I promise you will not have a quick death." He warned, his expression darkening and the look he was giving me sent chills down my spine. He wasn't joking, and I knew he would be ruthless and unforgiving if I crossed him, "You will be on probation until my wolves know you are not a threat. We will also have you take a vile of Ichor once we make it to my territory."
I swallowed, only able to nod as I watched him turn and make his way around the lake, his back toward me, "I understand that you want to protect your pack but, what's Ichor?"
"It forces you to answer my questions honestly. Only temporarily, of course."
"Okay, I can do that." That was all? If he were a hunter the last thing he'd have to worry about was telling the truth for a few hours, "So...What now?"
"Now? I take you home."
But before I could say anything, I felt something sharp hit the back of my head, my senses immediately ceasing as darkness overtook my vision.

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