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Helena's POV

By the time we made it to his parent's cabin it was nearly five in the evening. Once outside, I immediately looked up at the night sky amazed at the sight of all the stars shining and the beautiful half moon overhead. This was heaven. I could definitely get used to this. Michael offered me his hand and I caught his eye and before I could stop myself, my hand caressed his cheek. In one fell swoop, his hand was around my waist, pulling me against him and my heart thundering against my chest at his sudden movements.
Then he kissed me and my world exploded in light and color. Something I had never experienced before. I couldn't help myself as I tangled my fingers through his hair, deepening the kiss as if he was the only person giving me life. And right now, he felt like my whole world.
Michael pulled away first, our breathing heavy and entirely uneven. "Wow." Was all I managed to say, "That was—"
"Amazing." He breathed, finishing my sentence for me as he caressed my cheek. "Helena, I—"
"Yes?" I whispered.
My face flushed as he brushed his fingers across my back, lightly grazing the fabric as if teasing me with his touch. It set me on fire and I couldn't help but want to kiss him again under the moonlight.
"I think you're intelligent, beautiful..."Michael stared down at me, his eyes searching mine before his lips crashed into mine again, cutting himself off. This time he didn't hold back, lifting me up in his arms before pressing me against the wall of the pack house, completely ignoring that we had to go to dinner with his family. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, and my knees went weak. His mouth trailed my neck and I sucked in a breath. His kisses were like fire, consuming me from the inside out.
It only made me crave him more.
"Michael, wh — what about dinner?" I asked, completely breathless, "Michael—" Then I let go, giving in to his touch as I moaned.
His hands roamed over my body and pressed himself against me. I let out a moan, unable to control myself. Excitement coursed through me as I felt his hard length against my thigh. He stared into my eyes, and the look he was giving me – full of undeniable hunger and lust – set my soul ablaze.
I was connected to him, as if this moment with him was exactly where we were supposed to be. And all I wanted was to finish what we started.
"Michael?" I managed to get out, gasping for air as I tried to control my thoughts.
"Would it be forward if I–" I stopped myself, my rational brain knowing that I had barely known this man for a mere eight hours and now all I could think about was the way his touch seemed so unimaginably right. That I couldn't get enough of his kisses or the way he smelt like the forest – wild and like home.
I wanted to be his Mate.
I knew it was the right thing to do.
"Michael, I want to be your mate."
"You are my mate." He said plainly before his face turned bright red and I was surprised I managed to make him blush so easily, "Oh. Do you want to do it now?"
My face immediately felt hot. The idea of sleeping with him enveloped my mind and I wasn't expecting this conversation to go the way it was. As much as I wanted to say yes, everything felt too fast.
I shook my head, "I think we'll know when its the right time." I paused, taking in a quick breath as I tried to clear my head, "I was getting ahead of myself. Sorry."
"No need to apologize, I get it."
"I just feel so at ease with you. As if we are exactly where we belong. And you're so handsome I just want to take your shirt off."
Then I realized what I said.
Shit, I really need to think before I talk.
Michael laughed, "Sweetheart, I've been wanting to kiss you since the moment we met."
"Even when you had me in a hold?" I asked, thankful he didn't address my slip up.
"You are fearless and a goddess amongst women and I couldn't imagine living my life with anyone other than you." Michael said, caressing my cheek lovingly, "You may have been a huntress, Helena, but you didn't choose that life. Now you can truly live and I will support you no matter what. All I want is your happiness."
His words rang through my mind, my soul singing from his touch, knowing he was telling me the truth. There would not be a life of malice and hate in Lusana. We would lead together as equal partners and have a family of our own. I knew now that I was truly home. Regardless of our past, I was glad Michael was my Mate and I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather be with, than him.
With tears in my eyes, I smiled, appreciative of everything I had in this world, "Thank you."
"You're welcome." He paused, wiping the tears from my eyes before giving me a soft kiss on the cheek taking my hand, "I hate to cut our conversation short but we promised we would go to dinner."
"You're right, I almost forgot. I wonder why?" I couldn't help but wink at him, "Why don't we see where the night takes us?"
He grinned, "Gladly."
I followed Michael back towards his parent's cabin, my mind abuzz over the past ten minutes. As much as i wanted to finish what we started, I knew we had to go to dinner with his family. And that this was a step in the right direction. I was just nervous. How would his family react to my past? His sister seemed pretty cool, so maybe his parents would be as well. I just hoped it would go well.
I swallowed the lump in my throat as he turned to me, "You know, maybe we should stay home tonight? We both had a pretty long day." He paused, "I could cook us something."
"You know, that actually sounds really nice."
"Alright," He grinned, turning on his heel and made his way back toward his cabin, "do you like French Toast?"
"Oh! I love breakfast for dinner!"
Michael chuckled, "Well I guess that's a yes then."

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