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Michael's POV

I was up before dawn, unable to fall back asleep. Helena was sleeping beside me, tossing and turning as she tried to get comfortable and from the way her breathing was, she was having a nightmare. Then, without warning she jolted awake letting out a bloodcurdling scream.
"Are you alright?" I asked, sitting up in bed just as fast.
She looked over at me with tears in her eyes, fear written all over her flawless face.
"Sorry, I just had a bad dream." She replied, not answering my previous question.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
She sniffed and wiped her face, "Sorry..."
"Don't do that. There's nothing to be sorry about. Everything will be okay." I tried to reassure her as she wrapped her arms around me, sobbing into my shoulder.
"He killed me." She mummbled, her voice breaking in between sobs, "My father killed me for leaving the order and being your Mate."
"He won't hurt you." I said kissing the top of her head as I squeezed her tight, "You're safe here. I promise you if he dares to try to hurt you, I will rip his throat out."
Her sobs quieted as she yawned, but I could tell she was still upset. And I would be too if I had to leave everyone I knew to protect herself and the life she wanted. I couldn't imagine what if felt like to have your own father see you as the enemy.
"Thank you." She whispered, grabbing a tissue and wiping her face, "I appreciate you being here with me. I know we've only known each other for a day but—"
"I know, I feel safe with you too."
She sighed in content before laying back down, snuggling up against me as if she's done this a hundred times before. Our bond hummed to life as I played with her hair, hoping it would help lure her to sleep and before long, it did.
All that mattered to me now was her. We would win this war, because if we didn't, our future depended on it.


I awoke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafting in from the kitchen. I wiped the grogginess from my eyes before sitting up, immediately noticing that Helena was no longer asleep beside me. After getting dressed, I wondered into the kitchen just as Helena set a plate full of food on the breakfast bar. Flashes of what happened on that very countertop swirled in my mind and I fought the blush that crept up my skin. Instead of continuing to reminisce, I locked eyes with Helena and she smiled, "Good morning."
"Good morning." I greeted back, taking a seat next to her,  "Thank you for making breakfast."
She shrugged, "It's the least I could do. I also took the liberty of writing down the Orders patrol routes so we have it. I know my father well, he won't change them unless he suspects I'm a traitor. As far as he knows, I could be out on a hunt." She said stabbing a piece of sausage with her fork, "I also drew a map of the territory and I can give you the coordinates if you need them."
"Wow, that is very helpful, thank you." I said, looking over the papers she handed to me.
"You're welcome." She said, continuing to eat her food.
I was about to say something else until my mother's voice rang through my skull. You better have an explanation for not coming to dinner last night Michael.
Shit. I almost forgot.
Yesterday was a lot for Helena so we decided to stay home. I paused, taking a bite of the pancakes Helena prepared and it was absolute heaven. I was definitely marrying this woman. Could we come over another day? I don't want to spring too much on her.
My mother hummed, clearly not buying my explanation, How about I take her to get some things in Branson? My treat.
Hold on, I'll ask.
"My mother would like to know if you want to go with her to Branson to get anything that you might need."
Her eyebrow furrowed in confusion before she spoke, "Um, sure I guess. How did she just ask that? You weren't on your phone."
I grinned, "We can communicate through our minds. It's called a mind link. Every werewolf has one."
"That's really cool! I wish I could do that." She said amazed, "Yeah, let me get ready first and then she can come over. Can you tell her thank you?"
"I will." I called but she was already out of the room, leaving her empty plate behind.
I shook my head as she walked away, Give her a few minutes but she says yes and thank you. I have a few things I need to take care of today. Just, keep her safe.
Of course.

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