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Helena's POV

I stared at the tv, watching the romantic comedy that was currently airing as Michael grabbed plates from the cabinet. I was currently curled up on the couch, a blanket wrapped around me perfectly content wearing my fuzzy pair of pajamas. Unfortunately the comfort I felt only seconds before disappeared as my stomach lurched with a heavy vengeance as the pain continued across my abdomen. I knew that if I hadn't worn my pad, I would be ruining his couch right about now. I winced as I tried to focus on the movie. Julia Roberts was currently jamming out in a bathtub and I stifled a giggle as the pain subsided.
"What are you watching?" I heard Michael ask from the kitchen.
"Oh, um, Pretty Woman. You know with Julia Roberts?"
"Oh, isn't she a prostitute in this one?"
"Yeah but they can find love too, you know." I replied with a huff, snuggling deeper into the cushions.
"I didn't mean it like that." Michael mumbled before making his way toward me, two plates full of pizza in his hands, "I hope you like pizza."
"I do, thank you." I said, grabbing the plate from his outstretched hand before he sat down beside me and I began to eat, "I'm sorry, I'm kind of irritable right now."
"You don't need to be sorry. I understand why. It's nothing to be ashamed of."
He was so nice. Why was he being so nice to me? Maybe this was what it meant to be Mates? The bond is taking over and he was being nice because his wolf knew we belonged together. I had to hand it to him, how he treated me was definitely helping me warm up to him.
I turned my attention back to my food, hoping it would distract me. And for a time, it did, until I got uncomfortable. Setting my plate on the coffee table, I pulled the blanket off of the back of the couch and began wrapping myself in it, cocooning myself in warmth.
"Are you cold?"
"No, I'm just getting comfortable." I replied, laying my head back against the cushions as I tried to relax.
"Okay." Was all he said before his arm wrapped around me.
I felt protected, safe in his presence and especially with his arm around me. I wasn't sure if he did it on purpose but I was definitely glad he did. Without thinking, I scooted closer to Michael, cradling my head against his shoulder as I stared at the movie in front of us. As crazy as it sounded, he felt like home. And I was never going to give him up.
The movie went by in a blur as we watched in silence. That was, until Michael spoke, turning my attention away from the couple enveloped in passionate sex on a piano.
"Helena, I would like to take you out."
"Take me out?" I raised an eyebrow at him, memories of when we first met flooding my vision.
"I mean," he sighed, his cheeks flush as he looked away, the shyness completely catching me off guard, "like, on a date."
I blinked, unable to speak. He wanted to go on a date with me. The woman who tried to kill him—and failed. I still wasn't sure what to do or even what to say. It wasn't like I had that much experience in the relationship department. Not to mention everything that had happened in the past few days. But I was still alive, and my world was completely different because of it.
If I was really going to start a new chapter, I needed to move on. But what happens when the Order finds me? Or the fact that I'm supposed to be the new Luna of Lusana? They wouldn't hesitate to kill every last one of us, especially if I was a part of The Order for the past seven years.
That would mean war and the possible expulsion of the werewolves. Were the werewolves truly ready for that? Was I truly ready for that?
"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, the impending fear I felt only seconds before still flowing through me. I tried to push it down but the look Michael was giving me told me I wasn't doing a very good job.
"What's wrong?"
I looked away, my mind racing. How did I go from him asking me out on a date to a war between humans and werewolves? There wasn't any point in lying now, but if we did go out in the open, we needed to be cautious. There could be trackers everywhere ready to attack at a moments notice.
"I'm scared," I paused, "about the Order. What would happen if they saw us together? You and I would both be in danger and I don't want you getting hurt." Especially because of me. "If we go out together, we need to be careful."
"I know Helena, that's why I have the perfect idea for our first date."
I looked back at him, an eyebrow raised, "What did you have in mind?"
He grinned, "You'll see," he winked, "I have everything taken care of with the Order, so don't worry.." He added, "Our pack will be safe."
"Our pack?"
He nodded, "You're one of us now. You can have a life you have wanted, a place that is safe."
"But we aren't safe. Not if the Order is still in operation. We need to stop them. But that would mean war, are you sure we're ready for that?"
"We have to be." He sighed, "Come on, I want to show you something."
"Where are we going?" I asked as he took my hand and pulled me out of the room.
"If I tell you, that would ruin the surprise."
I shook my head at his comment but followed him anyways, through the hallway and into another room where canvases sat along with several paint brushes and paint. The previous conversation now a distant thrum as I looked at the sight before me then looked up at Michael with a quizzical look.
"Are we going to paint?"
"Yeah, I thought it could be fun to paint landscapes together but instead of using brushes we use each others hands." He paused, "But if you don't like that we can do something else..."
"No, that sounds perfect!" I exclaimed, "I love painting."
His face lit up at this and my heart squeezed at the sight of his excitement.
"Really? I had no idea." Then he winked. I knew he had seen me drawing before but I had yet to tell him I enjoyed painting just as much.
Where had he been all my life? I was glad I didn't kill him, because I was starting to get the feeling I couldn't have lived without him.
"So, do you want to do this now?" I asked, looking back at him then he looked down at his watch and frowned.
"I'd love to." He said and before I could say anything else, he grabbed a handful of paint and splattered a bit on my cheek.
I gasped, "Hey! I am not the canvas!"
He chuckled wryly, "You're going to be." And then his hand was around my waist, pulling me close until I could feel his heartbeat against my chest. My breath caught in my throat as I met his gaze, and the playful look he was giving me set my heart ablaze.
I wiped the paint off my nose and smeared it on his cheek, "You cheeky bastard, you had this all planned out."
He laughed, "Is it working?"
I couldn't help but smile, "You tell me."
Then he kissed me. I ran my fingers through his hair, completely forgetting about our date as his lips trailed my jaw and down my neck. Gosh, he knew exactly what he was doing. I whimpered against his touch, my breathing quickened as I enjoyed every second. "I thought we were going to paint."
"We could do it after." He said, his voice barely above a whisper as his hands trailed my waist.
I giggled, "I would really like to paint before we go any further."
"You're a tease." He said, letting go of my waist as I turned toward the canvas.
I could feel the bond hum to life, urging us to finish what we started, to give in to our desire as I stared at him. He was the man I was supposed to be with. He was my family, the one I would protect and yet, I barely knew anything about him. And despite this knowledge, I couldn't deny the desire I felt for him and the insatiable need to have him kiss me, to touch me and send shivers down my spine. I swallowed the lump in my throat and squeezed my eyes shut, praying that I could keep the thoughts at bay but they kept coming.
Gosh, I really needed to work on my self control.
I took a deep cleansing breath before clearing my throat, "We should probably start with the sky first."
"Good idea." Michael commented, hanging me the tube of light blue paint, "Ladies first."
"Are you sure we have to only use our hands?" I asked, looking over at him.
"That's why I got brushes." He said, grabbing a handful of brushes to show me.
"Perfect, what do you want to paint?"
"I was thinking a landscape." He paused, "Maybe we could paint the lake out back."
"That'll be gorgeous."
A few minutes later, Michael got to work painting the trees. I stared at the green globs on the canvas, holding back a giggle as I covered my mouth with my hand.
"What?" Michael asked, looking back at me.
"Nothing." I said, as I covered my mouth with my hand..
"No, what's so funny?"
"Is that supposed to be a tree?"
"What do you mean? It is a tree."
I laughed, "Sorry, you're doing great."
He scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Tell me how you really feel."
I giggled, "I'm only teasing."
"I know." He grinned, mischievously, "I almost forgot."
Without warning he ran the paintbrush over my face. "Now you're a tree."
"I'll show you a tree!" I exclaimed, taking the paint brush and painting a fern on his forehead, then I softly kissed his cheek. "This has been fun, thank you."
"You're welcome." Then he grabbed my hand and gave it a quick squeeze. And the way he was looking at me now made my heart skip several beats, "I'd like to kiss you now."
He only waited a second before his lips crashed into mine. The shock that consumed me only lasted for a second before I greedily kissed him back. I didn't want us to stop. Screw the Order and social formalities. I wanted Michael Taylor and I wanted him now.
I relished the feeling of his touch as he pulled me closer, kissing me deeper with every second that passed. He tasted so good and I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold back. He pulled away then, his eyes dancing with lust and excitement as he softly brushed the hair out of my face.
"I want you Michael Taylor." I kissed him. Softly nibbling on his bottom lip, wrapping my arms around him as he effortlessly picked me up in his arms and carried me out of the room. My heart squeezed with excitement as I nuzzled his neck, breathing in his familiar woodsy scent. My body was on fire by the time we made it to the bathroom. I held my breath as he set me down in the full length shower. I reached for the hem of my pajamas, ready to tear it off of me but Michael growled, making me stop before I could even touch the cotton fabric.
"Don't take it off yet." He said, his voice low and full of so much need. "It can wait."
I swallowed, staring up at him, my breathing beginning to shudder as my mind began to wonder, "What do you have in mind?"
He chuckled and my heart skipped several beats as he leaned down, his face inches from mine. I watched as his gaze ran the length of my body before snapping to my face as if he wanted to give me all of his attention, "If I told you, it would ruin the surprise."
"I hate surprises." I shot back as Michael grinned, somehow knowing my answer.
"I'm sure you will love this one."
"Wait, but I'm on my period." Anxiety filled me then. He wouldn't want me now, especially while I was on my period.
He shook his head, "What good is a sword if you can't get it bloody? Nothing will keep me from wanting you Helena. You're beautiful, smart, and the woman I would like to have children with one day. What do you say?"
I took a deep breath, then nodded, "Okay."
I didn't have to wait long before he kissed me again, slow, long, passionate kisses that left my head spinning and longing for more. That was of course, when his fingers wandered, playfully exploring under the fabric, lightly trailing along the soft skin of my abdomen and up to cup my swollen breast.
I gasped as he pinched my nipple and my core lurched and for once I was thankful for my previous choices in feminine products as I was definitely wet now. If this was all it took to get me going now, I only imagined what else he had in store for me. And just when I was about to ask what I should do, he quietly pulled my shirt off of my body.
I closed my eyes, and let my body relax against his touch, and when he began to suck on my left breast I thought I might shatter from how amazing it felt. Then I felt something plunge in my core confused I looked down before I realized what he was doing and as if magic fell from his fingers, the cramping I had earlier dissipated sending me in complete ecstasy with each and every stroke before he gave me a look as if asking if I wanted him inside me.
I took a deep breath, my mind swirling with pleasure as I nodded, wanting a release and so close to one I could barely think of anything else and when he took the plunge. I could feel everything and he felt amazing. It didn't take long for us to finish, me grasping for dear life and him burying his face in the crook of my neck. I was officially his, and he was mine. And we would be ready for whatever the Order had in store for us, especially if it meant war between the wolves and humans. I wouldn't let them hurt anyone else, not if I had anything to say about it.
"I'm going to take a shower." Michael said, his voice back to normal when he finally caught his breath.
"Okay." I replied, pulling him in for a chaste kiss.
"Do you want to join me?" He asked, a playful look across that handsome face of his.
I grinned, "I'd love nothing more."

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