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Michael's POV
I was up well before seven this morning preparing, at least, that's what I should have been doing. Instead, Helena was still fast asleep, her body pressed against my chest as if she needed my warmth. Tucking the covers over her shoulders she sighed in her sleep the sound making my wolf peek up at her closeness. I didn't want to wake her, she seemed so content this way, snuggled against me after a long and intense evening. I took a deep breath, willing my thoughts to go away but it was to late. The last thing I needed was to have her wake up and see me with a case of morning wood.
Carefully, I rolled out of bed and got dressed, hoping I could distract myself from the blood rushing south and making my current predicament even worse. But before I could do anything else I glanced at Helena hoping she was still asleep but to my surprise she wasn't. She was staring right at me, her face bright red as if she was caught.
"Good morning. I didn't know you were awake." I said watching as she glanced down, her cheeks getting even redder.
"How long were you up?"
"Not long, I had a great view though." Then she winked. That simple interaction only made my cheeks warm and I knew she understood exactly what she was doing.
I cleared my throat, "Do you want—" I started but was immediately cut off with the sound of Mason's voice across my mind.
Michael, something happened. His voice was strong but there was a worry there that I knew meant something terrible had happened last night.
What's wrong?
My wolf was on edge and grieving and that could only mean one thing: someone in our pack had died.
"What?" Helena asked, her head slightly cocked to the side as if asking me what was happening.
"Something's happened, um, just stay here." I said, walking over to her side before giving her a quick peck on the cheek before making my way towards the door.
"No, let me get dressed, I'll come with you."
"Michael, I will be fine."
Is someone dead?
A few wolves were injured last night. Sarah is missing. He paused, They left a note.
Who's they?
I took a deep breath, waiting for a response but a part of me knew who it was. There were only three options: rogues, another pack, or the Order. And I wasn't sure which could be worse. When were things ever going to calm down?
"Fine, you can come." I finally said, looking behind me to find that Helena was already dressed and ready to go.
It's the Order.
Shit. Did they find out Helena was alive? Or was this only a warning? We needed to end this, but how?
"What are you waiting for? Our pack is in trouble."
"Wait, how did you...?" But before I could finish she was already past me and heading out the door.
The day we had planned would have to wait, especially with everything that has happened. Helena was right, we were at the beginning of a war between the wolves and the Order and we needed to be ready. But was she ready to fight against her own father? Would he really kill his own blood for siding with his enemy? Apart of me knew he would. I just hoped we would all make it out of this alive even if I knew that in war, there was always casualties.
With my jaw set, I followed Helena out into the morning sun and towards my office. When we arrived, I expected to see Mason standing in the conference room, however what I didn't expect to see was my sister sitting patiently in one of the cushioned seats. Looking over at Helena, she stared back at me with a hint of confusion before she straightened her spine and turned back to my Beta.
"You wanted to speak with us."
"Yes, Luna."
The sound of Helena's title made my wolf howl with pride. I could feel her nervousness at the prospect of leading an entire pack but I could also feel just how much she was excited for the life we would lead together. And I couldn't wait to see the Luna she would become — especially if she chose to be bitten.
I cleared my throat, "Can I see the letter?"
Without another word, Mason handed it to me and my heart sank to my stomach. This wasn't good.

Your move wolf.
Next time we won't be so lenient.

— The Order of the Moon

"They also left us this." Mason said before grabbing a beautifully wrapped box onto the table just as Helena let out a gasp and a quiet, "Oh no."
I could smell the rotting flesh before I even opened the lid and I growled at the sight of the brown wolf's head and her lifeless blue eyes. It was Sarah. That's what Mason hadn't said and I knew that was the reason I was grieving. She had lived on the outskirts and kept to herself, and it wasn't uncommon for her not to be seen for days at a time. But I never expected this. If the order could get to her, they might know the entire location of my pack.
This was an act of war. And I would give it to them. Eugene McCoy would be begging for mercy as I ripped his heart out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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