Bombing, Leaving London, Mrs Mcready

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I do not own Narnia

3rd POV

Night time and clouds are seen sirens wailing and lights are pointing up towards the clouds for planes to fly inside a couple of pilots talking in German one of them leans down while explosions happen making the planes shake a bit the 2nd pilot speaks German as one of the plane's engines got hit making the plane fall below.

The pilot watch the plane crash he speaks German looking to the other pilot who opens bomb doors the pilot pulls a lever for bombs to fall below as other planes do the same and the bombs hit the ground causing explosions to form lines while inside a house standing by a window is young boy with black hair his name is Edmund Pevensie.

The door to reveal Mrs Pevensie who said "Edmund" She runs over to him as explosions are heard "Get away from there" She pulls him away from the window and close the curtains "Peter" Entering the room is a blonde hair boy name Peter who moves as Mrs Pevensie holds Edmund arms "What do you think you're doing" Peter runs over to them "Peter, quickly, the shelter" Peter looks at her "Now".

Grabbing Edmund and pulling Peter said "Come on" But Edmund said "Wait..." But Peter keeps pulling him Peter said "Come on, leave it" Mrs Pevensie reach down and grab a couple of blankets and a flashlight before going after them while a small brown hair girl name Lucy who covered her ears laying on her bed Lucy yells "Mummy" The room shakes.

The door opens to reveal a young brown hair girl name Susan who holds a torch looking at the books then turns pointing the flashlight at Lucy who saw her Susan said "Lucy, come on" Susan went over to Lucy and help her out of the bed before leaving the room while Mrs Pevensie said "Come on, quickly" Peter said "Run".

They run out of the back door up a few steps Lucy wails as they run across the backyard "Run" Susan screams an explosion happen nearby they keep running Mrs Pevensie yells "Hurry" Lucy yells "Mum" But Edmund stops he said "Wait" He turns "Dad" He runs to the house Peter yells "Ed" He tries to get him by the sweater, but it slipped off.

Noticing Edmund running Mrs Pevensie yells "Edmund, no" Looking back Peter yells "I'll get him" He runs after Edmund as Susan opens the door and Mrs Pevensie took a step as the sirens blare again Mrs Pevensie yells "Peter, come back" Peter yells "Ed" Edmund open the door and enters with Peter behind him "Come here" He runs after Edmund who stops at a picture "Edmund".

Edmund holds the picture just as Peter tackle him "Get down" The window breaks making Peter and Edmund slide to the wall under the window "Come on, you idiot, run" Peter grabs Edmund who grabs the picture of their father standing up Peter drag him "Get out" They run through the house into the backyard just as planes fly over Edmund panting.

Mrs Pevensie stands out of the door noticing them she yells "Come on" Peter and Edmund run faster to her "Hurry" Once they got to the shelter Peter shove Edmund to the floor angrily Peter ask "Why can't you think of anyone but yourself" Mrs Pevensie looks at Peter who stares at Edmund who moves "You're so selfish".

Peter shake his head "You could've got us killed" Had enough Mrs Pevensie yells "Stop it" Susan holds onto Lucy as Edmund breathes holding the broken picture of their father Susan said "It's okay" She comforts Lucy and Mrs Pevensie went over to Edmund pulling him to her staring Peter ask "Why can't you just do as you're told" Looking up Edmund glares at Peter who turns and close the door.

The next day at a train station a train whistle blowing a Woman said "Alms for the poor" She looks around "Alms for the poor" A person gives her some Alms "God bless you, sir" An Announcer said "Children and evacuation staff..." Mrs Pevensie is kneeling in front of Lucy clipping a tag on her clothes.

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