Battle of Aslan's How

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3rd POV

Meanwhile walking out of Aslan's How is Y/n and N/n marching with their swords out and holding shields leading Peter in his armour and Edmund in his armour up the ramp to see Narnians and Knights cheering holding their weapons out to the archway Glenstorm and Asterius stood either side while the Telmarines are shouting holding their spears up.

Miraz sitting on a chair with Sopespian, Gozelle and a Telmarine Lord name Gregoire standing as Miraz watch N/n, Edmund, Peter and Y/n walk to the archway staring at them Glenstorm nods and Asterius grunts bowing his head they turn around for N/n, Edmund, Peter and Y/n to walk pass them reaching the archway while Gozelle, Miraz, Sopespian and Gregoire stare at them.

Adjusting his gauntlet Miraz said "If it should appear to be going poorly..." He adjusts his other gauntlet looking to the crossbow in Gozelle's hand and nod making Gozelle look to it he said "Understood, Your Majesty" Miraz turns his head and Gozelle looks to Sopespian as Miraz stands up while N/n and Y/n both stood in front of the pillars with Glenstorm standing next to Y/n.

Asterius stood next to N/n staring forward as Edmund looks to Peter who turns to him and pull out his sword making the Narnians and Knights cheer loudly Peter looks to Miraz who turns grabbing his helmet from Sopespian he said "I hope you won't be too disappointed when I survive" He put his helmet on while Gozelle looks to Sopespian moving a bit.

Miraz grabs his shield and pulls out his sword walking forward as Peter walks forward both stop staring at one another before Miraz walks onto the stones while Trumpkin, Dwarves, Fauns and Knights watch from the balconies, N/n, Asterius, Edmund, Glenstorm and Y/n watch Peter walk forward before he and Miraz circle each other "There is still time to surrender".

Staring at him turning Peter said "Well, feel free" Shaking his head Miraz ask "How many more must die for the throne" He stops and Peter said "Just one" With that he lowers his battle mask Miraz raise his sword with his shield forward and Peter takes a step on a ruin to use both Miraz and Peter shout and their swords clash against shields making the Narnians, Knights and Telmarines cheering.

Miraz and Peter face each other circle a bit before Peter raise his sword hitting Miraz's shield and he use it to hit Peter while Susan and Lucy ride out of the tunnel heading into the forest going on a path by a hill but then neighing is heard making Lucy look up to see Telmarines riding on the hill a Telmarine yells "Ride" Looking back Lucy said "They've seen us".

Susan looks to her then to the hill to see the Telmarines before looking forward going off the path passing a few trees until Susan stops Destrier at a small clearing and getting off confusing Lucy landing on the ground Susan said "Take the reins" Looking to her Lucy ask "What are you doing" Sighing a bit then smiles Susan said "I'm sorry, Lucy".

Susan stares at her "But it looks as if you'll be going alone after all" Lucy looks back then to Susan who slaps Destrier making him move in the direction before turning around pulling out an arrow looking towards the direction, but Susan looks towards Lucy who stops Destrier on a small hill by a tree Lucy looks back to Susan who stares at her.

Lucy reaches up and hold the necklace N/n gave her before turning back and motion Destrier forward down the hill out of sight as Susan looks back seeing the Telmarines appear around a tree going down a small hill Susan aims her bow and arrow ready and the Telmarines shouting getting closer Susan fires killing one Telmarine making him fall off his horse.

Susan grabs another arrow and fires killing another Telmarine sending him off his horse as Susan fires again killing the 3rd Telmarine sending him off his horse, Susan fires again killing the 4th Telmarine the horse rides pass and a 5th Telmarine shouts while Susan reaches for another arrow but the Telmarine swings making Susan duck.

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