River Rush, Gathering, Aslan's How

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We walk through the woods following Peter passing a couple trees Susan said "I don't remember this way" I walk next to Trumpkin knowing we are going the wrong way Peter said "That's the problem with girls" He looks forward "You can't carry a map in your heads" He makes a turn Lucy said "That's because our heads have something in them" Edmund smiles and I smirk a bit.

Peter makes a turn Susan said "I wish he'd just listen to the D.L.F and D.S.K in the first place" Walking on a boulder Edmund ask "D.L.F and D.S.K" I was curious about it then Lucy said "Dear Little Friend and Dear Shining Knight" I raise a brow at that looking to Trumpkin who ask "Oh, that's not all patronising, is it" I said "I think it suits us" I walk forward passing Edmund who follow.

Going over a rock Peter stops looking in front of him making all of us stop Peter said "I'm not lost" He looks around Trumpkin said "No" He steps off the rock and walks to him with me "You're just going the wrong way" Peter looks to us I said "The roads have change since you've been here" Staring at us peter said "You two last saw Caspian at the Shuddering Woods, and the quickest way there is to cross at the river Rush".

Trumpkin and I look to one another and back Trumpkin said "But unless we're mistaken, there's no crossing in these parts" Crossing my arms I said "I've been there before there's no crossing" Peter said "That explains it, then" He stares at us "You're both mistaken" He turns and went down the path in front of me and we follow him.

After getting out of the rocky terrain we walk through the forest to reach the river Rush but Peter stops looks down to see it but there's no crossing Susan said "You see, over time, water erodes the earth's soil, carving deeper..." I glance to Peter who said "Oh, shut up" I said "Like I said before the roads have change" Edmund looks to us he ask "Is there a way down"?

Trumpkin said "Yeah, falling" Lucy, Peter and Susan look to us Peter said "Well, we weren't lost" Turning and pointing in the direction I said "There's ford near Beruna in that direction" Turning back Trumpkin ask "How do you feel about swimming" Susan said "I'd rather that than walking" We begin to walk then Lucy ask "Aslan"?

We look to Lucy who looks in the direction "It's Aslan" We got confuse she turns to us "It's Aslan over there" A glint got my attention I look and saw Aslan along with my father I said "She's right" I walk over "I see him with my father" I turn see Susan, Peter, Trumpkin and Edmund looking to us Lucy ask "Don't you see" We turn back "They're right..."

But once we turn back, they're gone confusing us "...there" We stare at the spot Trumpkin ask "Do either of you see them now" We turn to him Lucy said "I'm not crazy" I said "I agree with Lucy" Trumpkin stares at us "He was there along with my father" Lucy turns around she said "They wanted us to follow them" She looks to Peter who looks around a bit.

Looking to the other side and back Peter said "I'm sure there are any number of lions in this wood and possibly something got your attention N/n" We stare at him "Just like that bear" Lucy said "I think I know Aslan when I see him" Taking a step forward I said "I know my father when I see him" Then Trumpkin said "Look, I'm not about to jump off a cliff after someone who doesn't exist".

Edmund said "The last time I didn't believe Lucy I ended up pretty stupid" He looks to us as Peter looks back to the other side then to us Peter ask "Why wouldn't I have seen them" Lucy said "Maybe you weren't looking" Shaking his head Peter said "I'm sorry, Lu" He turns and walks with Susan and Trumpkin passing Edmund who stands there.

Lucy and I look back to where Aslan and O/b/n was to see nothing I place a hand on Lucy's shoulder making her look to me we turn to Edmund who nods his head we walk to him and we follow Peter, Susan and Trumpkin away from the cliff.

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