🩸 Prolouge: Two 🕵️

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Third POV

A familiar haired girl struggled inside an locker. She felt around before quickly noting that she was surrounded by metal: rusty and cold. She shivered. Turning around and noticing 3 slanted holes. By those holes she assumed it was a locker. Before doing anything she started cursing to herself, A bit annoyed that she was stuffed in a locker "Bitch-"

She started banging on it throwing herself onto it. Only to wince in pain form the impact. Before losing balance, opening the locker door, only to fall over and land straight on her face. Her legs tanged in a mess together. With her tote bag fallen on her head. Before taking it off she held an annoying sigh as she took it off and set it beside her. She also felt an tablet fall on her head but disregarded it and shoved it in her bag.

"Shit-..." She groaned in pain."Stupid locker-" Grumbling how unlucky she was to herself. Unbeknownst to the small audience in front of her.

She lifted her head up. Noticing a blonde girl in a pink uniform, She had a music note as a hair pin in her hair. She held an concerned yet surprised expression. Behind her was a classroom. The classrooms light flickered every now and then adding an creepy atmosphere to the supposed '2' teenagers on scene.

The classroom had vines and grass growing form the floor to the roof. There was a monitor and 2 seater desks surrounding the room in rows. The windows were covered up by barbed wires with screws, screwing them into place. The classroom smelt like an old garden switehring away yet the plants looked healthy. Maybe the smell of the rust and wild plants didn't blend well together.

"A-another one..?.. Are you okay?...." A blonde girl spoke hesitantly. She looked at the girl offering her hand towards her, to help lift her up. The familiar girl grabbed her hand only to pull the other girl down with her. Creating a loud thump and for the blonde girl to almost bang her head on her locker.

"Shit!..S-sorry" The familiar haired girl apologised while the blonde girl was brought to the floor with her.

"Ah!- H-here...." Now noticing a second person. He appeared to have covered his face with his hat. Small parts of his dark blue hair was poking out. He wore and dark coloured suit. He lead his left hand out towards the fallen girl. Embarrassed she grabbed his hand noticing that he had cold and slender fingers. The boy pulled her up side glancing her, trying to avoid a lot of eye contact. While the other girl got herself up gigging.

"S-sorry..." She looked at the blonde girl and back at the boy bowing. The blonde girl just smiled in response. The boy, now gazed at her once she stood up... He hadn't blinked once.

"Huh-? Don't apologise. Its okay!... I found it kind of funny,... Oh- Actually... Are you okay?" She asked trying not to embarrass the girl any longer.

"Hmm... Yeah? Im okay. Im not surprised I got kidnapped I think this is... my 5th time getting kidnapped... My bad luck can sometimes- "


"Rise and Shine Ursine!"

Suddenly coloured bears had appeared in front of the group of teenagers. In bright colours, which was an heavy oxymoron to its background. The Bears were yellow, green, pink, blue and red. But somehow, they all remembered there names.

"Aah!- ah?" The H/C girl screamed, confused? She felt surprised to be scared by some...vibrant Teddy Bears?

"Teddybears?" The Dark Haired boy assumed. He looked at the bears while side glancing the H/C girl.

"No! Freak out!... Its a monster!" The blonde haired girl screamed. Pinching her cheek before hissing at the pain.

"AHH!" "Aah?" Both Monokid and The H/C girl Screamed. This time the familiar haired girl screamed sarcastically.

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