🎹 My Class Trial Our Class Trial: Seven 🩸

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Third Pov - Basement Group

Having been recently recruited by Kaito to help defeat Monokuma. Y/n felt and seemed a bit surprised that Rantaro had openly requested for her to join the group. Although she wasn't exactly surprised since she was his secret "Bodyguard" Although she wasn't with him often. It was strange.

Meeting up with everyone in the basement, Rantaro waved and walked over slowly to Y/n. Making sure to not disturb anyone, he quickly leaned over into her ear.

Which caught Angie's attention, She held suspicion about what they were doing but stayed quiet. She felt as though Atua had told her to keep watch. She watched them closely.

Rantato slowly shifted closer to Y/n leaning towards her ears. She could smell his cologne: That's how close they were to each other. 

Angie watched the interaction between the two carefully. Not listening to what Kaito was talking about. It wasn't important anyway to her anyway. She had accepted the fact they were stuck in a killing game.

"Y/n... I need you to watch out for me" Rantaro whispered lowly into Y/ns ear. Sending shivers down her spine.

"Huh- Rantaro-? Of course" Y/n whispered while responding flustered by the closeness between the two. Y/n wouldn't lie, she enjoyed how close she was to Ranataro.

Ranataro lifted his head up looking around the room feeling eyes on him.

Angie quickly turned her head away while Rantaro watched around closely making sure no one was listening. Angie looked back at the duo. Rantato whispered in Y/n's ear again

"I'm heading over to the library..., There's a hidden door there" Rantaro quickly said. Y/ns gut sensed something bad were to happen, She bit her cheek.


"Don't worry about it- but I'm going to leave some point during the meeting and I want you to follow after" Rantaro instructed carefully.

"Okay... I understand.. Y/ns gut sensed some horrible bad luck.

"R-Rantaro... I don't fe-" Y/n quickly protested. Rantaro had quickly noticed Angie heading towards the two.

"What are you two scheming about?" Angie walked over to the duo smiling with her hands crossed. The duo just smiled at her and stepped away from eachother.


Kaedes Pov - Second floor Classroom

Regarding what happened yesterday.. Im happy I was able to solve things with Shuichi. Although he seems to be a bit off today. Im worried for him. He doesn't appear to be the Shuichi I had met recently.

As I stood up from my chair. I turned to face Shuichi to notice him glaring at his monpad. His eyes creased as he stared at it. His figure twitched.

Shuichi lowly mumbled to himself bringing his hat down. It was hard to decipher what he was saying due to the Music playing in the background, the music Monokuma had started playing ever since he introduced the motive.

I watched Shuichis knuckles go pale as he grabbed the Monopad tighter.

"Shu- Shuichi... Are you okay?!" I asked coming closer to him.

"YES!!" Shuichi shouted staring into my eyes. His eyes turned cold and he look frustrated. His yellow golden eyes had somehow appeared darker, of course that was impossible, but his eyes started blankly. Not the warm and friendly eyes I had met before.


"Yes- Im fine. Sorry for shouting at you Kaede" Shuichi apologised in an soft tone, putting his Monopad away. His eyes. still looking cold and blank.

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