🩸 Prolouge: Three 🕵️

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First POV

To describe the moment: Confused. To describe the environment: An mothership. Something unordinary... something that doesn't seem natural... normal. An atmosphere that just doesn't feel and fit right, I don't understand what's going on. But I don't like it.

I huffed annoyed. I couldn't sense any bad or good luck. It was an alien feeling to me.

Kaede was talking to Shuichi who seemed to be overwhelmed or slightly nervous around Kaede. I didn't really mind which one it was though.

"Shuichi?.." Kaede grinned teasing Shuichi.

"Ah- Kaede?.. W-What are y-" Shuichi stuttered. Gripping your monopad even tighter.

You walked over to the duo and peered into what they were doing. Kaede quickly grinned at you. Shuichi seemed to have held an fed up posture while trying to seem interested with Kaede.

"Hey Y/n!.-" Kaede smiled letting go off Shuichis shoulder. You couldn't lie that you felt a tad bit left out, but decided to shake the feeling off.

"Hey.. U-uhm- Why were we kidnapped?" I asked. Questioning myself and the duo infront of me.

Shuichi softly mafe eye contact, short after nudged Kaede off of him.

Kaede standing up straight keeping an smile on her face looking around the room. Trying to find an answer to your question.

Kaedes eyes stared at a door, her eyes lit up. And she beamed with joy. Now slowly myself, slowly dying, realising that my question had just been ignored.

"Wait!... there's a door there... wanna try and escape?" Kaede suggested. I couldn't help but nod while Shuichi just hummed in response.

Kaede quickly grabbed my hands and squeezed my hands softly. As a sweet gesture I grinned back at Kaede.

Hearing loud footsteps coming from behind us. Shuichi, decided to walk in between us. He coughed up an apology.

"Ah- Sorry..." Shuichi Mumbled as he pushed his cap down.

As we walked out of the classroom stepping on some patches of grass on cracked tiles on the floor.

"I wonder who the other 17 students are.." I rhetorically guessed as the 2 teenagers hummed in response.

"And whats our activity for.. later?" Kaede asked. I felt my heart beat and my gut felt dizzy, causing me to stop moving.

And no, I wasn't hungry.

I halted holding my wrist feeling my hands going cold. Feeling my pulse increase.

"Ah, Y/n..?... Y-you've just stopped waking, are you okay?" Shuichi asked putting his arms on my shoulders incase I would've fainted. Aside from slowly dying, I never expected Shuichi to make physical contact.

Although Shuichi's worried tone caused Kaede to turn around and question me aswell. I felt like my face drained its colour and I felt sick..

"Y/n, you alright?, If your tired we can sit in one of the classrooms. Usually, If there was a piano here. Id play one of Chopins or Mozarts pieces. To make you feel better" Kaede smiled. She always talks about her love for pianos.

"Ah... W-well.. I- I feel sick.. No... I...I have a bad feeling.. While I-I... also experience bad luck" I paused feeling guilty for wasting some of there time.

Shuichi and Kaede paused what they were doing.

"I can sense when bad lucks.. going to happen.." Y/n depressedly sighed.

Shuichi seemed to have connected the dots then he shook his head and stepping back.

"You don't mean-" Kaede muttered.

Murderous Kiss|!Yandere Shuichi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now