❤️Valentines special❤️

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"Y/n~" Shuichi softly whispered. He walked around the girls room. His footsteps were light, and his breathing was quiet, it was as though he wanted his location to be unknown.

Whereas, Y/n, who had locked the door in the bathroom placed herself lying on her back in her bath tub. She held her hands clasped on her mouth to make her breathing quiet. Her figure was shaking and she felt her heart beating loudly each second.

"Darling~ Where are you?" Shuichi purred. His voice sounding more closer and louder. Which only meant that Shuichi was nearby. Causing her to shut her eyes. She felt small drops of water leak out of her eyes. She was scared for her life.

"Darling~ Don't hide from me" Shuichi sadly said with a smile on his face. Shuichi lifted his arm up which showd his hands clasping a knife that reeked of old yet recent blood. Suddenly, Y/n could hear Shuichi run the shared edged knife alongside the walls in her room slowly. She could hear every single scratch and scrape. No doubt would it would leave scars on her wallpaper. The sound of the knife cutting the paper made her breath quicken.

"Darling~ Don't be scared... Im only doing what's best for us" Shuichi spoke in a soft tone. He suddenly stepped further away from the bathroom. Dragging his arms up. His knife was now being used to write onto her wooden desk. The noise of metal scratching onto the wood. Made Y/ns heartbeat increase.

"Darling, Darling?!" Shuichis voice got more tense. His voice was louder. Y/n, who was an emotional mess. Had tears flowing down her cheeks. When suddenly.


As if her body had betrayed her. A single tear drop from her eyes, dropped into the bathtub, creating a soft yet loud noise. Y/n opened her eyes hastily. Then, Shuichis eyes brightened and he speedily made his way towards the bathroom door. He felt blush rush up to his cheeks and he softly chucked to himself.

Y/n knew she was dead when she heard how his footsteps became louder. She started crying even harder. She had decided to remove her hands from her mouth now realising there was no point. She covered her ears in hope for this all to end.

"A-ah~ Y/n~ My darling. So you are here" Shuichi said. Moving slowly towards the bathroom door. Shuichi then leaned his body against the door. His cold slender fingers gripped onto the door knob. Shuichi attempted to twist it. The sound of Shuichi rattling the door knob became loud in her apartment.

"L-L... Leave me... A-Alone... P.. Pl- Please" Y/n whimpered softly in an shaky voice. Y/n attempted to step out of the bath. But her body had betrayed her. Leaving her Paralysed.

"Y/n... Open the- Open the door" Shuichi said. His voice sounded sad yet cheery. He held the brightest smile on his face. His eyes were looked love sick and his heart was beating fast positively.

"...N-..No" Y/n spoke still with an shaky voice. She gathered the courage and stepped out of the bath holding the walls and sink to balance her from her shaking legs.

Shuichi heard her shifting out of the bath and up against the sink. He heard her deep breaths. He heard her shaky voice. He heard every time a tear from her eye dropped. He heard everything from the bathroom. He heard the small footsteps Y/n had made.

"Y/n~ I love you" Shuichi cooed through the door. Despite how thick the door was, his voice was loud and clear to Y/n. He put his hand on the door pretending it was Y/n. And he leaned his head on the door. Thinking about his Darling.

"S-.. Shuu... T-This isn't- L-Love-" Y/n replied. She shifted her eyes towards the mirror, Her eyes showing nothing but pain and heartbreak. Her mascara dripping down her face due to her tears. Her hair was a mess and her clothes were wrinkled and unpresentable.


Shuichi and Y/n went out on valentines day. When, someone at the restaurant kept staring at Y/n. Y/n, not trying to fuel Shuichis anger, knowing how jealous he is. Distracted him. By talking about random things.

That was until the person, made eye contact and winked at Y/n causing her to widen her eyes. Shuichi, being the  protective boyfriend he was. Turned around to see who made her react that way. Suddenly pushed his chair back and walked towards him. Y/ns efforts to distract Shuichi were helpless. Things didn't end up pleasantly.


"Y/N!" Shuichi shouted putting his attention back on the door cutting his daydream short. The sound of the door rattling as it got more aggressive it caused Y/ns heartbeat to quicken.


"Darling, Darling, I'm really sorry for what I did" Shuichi apologised. Although to Y/n appeared fake. He was telling the truth. He would never lie to his darling. He felt somewhat guilty for what he had done. But they deserved it.

"Yo-.. You don't- Mean-... that" Y/n said. In an attempt to defend herself. She hated how her bathroom had no windows. She tried joking to herself by sarcastically thanking herself for picking the bathroom to hide in.

"I do... Now open the door" Shuichi said harshly. His patience decreasing. Y/n could hear how impatient he was.

"... N-No" Y/n said, She had never seen Shuichi this frustrated before. She gulped harshly mentally preparing herself for more cuts or bruises on her body. Or any punishments.

"Darling, No games...Open the door please" Shuichi said. He lifted his arm up slowly scraping the door with his knife.

"..." Y/ns breath stopped for a second. Realising that Shuichi was going to break the door with his knife. Y/n stepped back to the furthest corner of the room.

"Y/n I said!" Shuichi spoke louder. "Open the door!" His teeth clenched and the sounds of the knife scraping the door got mot urgent and desperate.

"S-stop- Shuichi!" Y/n shouted a bit louder. She needed to defend herself. She couldn't bare to just weep and cry.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR Y/N" Shuichi shouted. While scraping the door. He had created a soft dent, in the thick wall. Y/ns legs wobbled as she struggled to stay standing. Y/n gulped harshly tightening her fists before shouting.

"SHUT UP" Suddenly Shuichi stopped scratching his knife from the door. And stepped back. A loud noise suddenly came to Y/ns ears. The sound of Metal dropping to the floor. It had came apparent that Shuichi had dropped his knife. Shuichi softly chucked to himself hearing Y/n. Y/n had slide down the wall tucking her head on her knees.

"Darling~ What did you just say?" Shuichi said softly. His tone being a contrast to the his Loud volume. Shuichi fiddled with his clothes, grabbing an specific object from his chest pocket.


Shuichi had opened the door usjng one of the house keys. Y/n watched in horror as Shuichi slowly opened the door. Slowly hiding her head into her knees with tears in her eyes

"Get- Get.. aw-...away from.... me" Y/n begged with no hope. She should've expected this. Shuichi would've never wasted his time breaking down a door. It was pure logic.

Shuichi walker closer to Y/n squatting down to become floor level with her. Softly grabbing her chin. As he touched her face she flinched at his touch. Pulling her head back from him. Causing Shuichis grip to be harder. He pulled her chin up to face him. Before smiling love-sickly at the girl.

"Happy Valentines... My darling"

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