Chapter 5

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It took several days for much of the snow that had fallen on Fumizaki to melt, even with constant 40°+ weather. In that time, the Yuki Onna had made herself quite at home in the temporary living quarters GARDNA provided her. At least, as much at home as possible, considering the girl was still trying to remember who she had been and what she had enjoyed in life. Thus far, the only things she remembered with absolute clarity were that she loved a certain platforming video game about an Italian plumber, and that she had a passion for jogging. Thus did Usoko gain a new running mate for her early morning jogs.

"On your left!" Called the voice of Hime as she approached the pinkette from behind. This was the third time this morning she had managed to lap the girl. Even though Usoko knew Hime's lack of corporeal form was the main reason for this, she couldn't help but find herself getting slightly more irritated each time she heard those three words.
Now passing Usoko, Hime glanced back quickly, smiling. She was so grateful to have made a friend in Usoko, her first since she had died. These early morning runs were a great way for her to feel, well, alive again, even if only a little. She did miss the sensation of her feet hitting the ground with every step, and that oh so welcome feeling of air in her lungs. Huh. It sure felt weird to say "I miss having lungs", but here she was.

"Oh, here comes Usoko again," thought Hime, opening her mouth to once again say the pinkette's new least favorite words.
"On your le-"

"Hey, Hime, hold on," said Usoko, pausing her run for a moment, "This is great and all, honestly. I'm glad to have another friend."
An ominous shadow then passed over her face, as she continued.
"But if I hear the words 'on your left' one more time, I'm going to yeet you into the Pacific. We clear?"

Nodding emphatically, Hime continued on her jog noting that the ominous shadow around Usoko had faded.

Suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks. Another memory was surfacing, but this one was... different. She was in a bathroom, looking in a mirror but the person she saw was... someone else? A boy? What?
She reached out to try and touch him, but the vision faded away before she could learn anything else.

"Hime? Hey Hime?!"
Usoko was kneeling over the collapsed form of her friend, trying to figure out if you could do CPR on a ghost, when the snow girl snapped back to full consciousness.

"Usoko!" She shouted, embracing the girl, "I... I had another memory come back. I think?"

Both her tone and her expression were filled with confusion and uncertainty. Like she was having trouble believing what she had seen.

"Hey, it's alright," said Usoko reassuringly, "I'm right here, it's okay. Hey I was just kidding about the yeeting thing, by the way."

Helping the semi-corporeal girl up as best she could, Usoko noticed ice crystals had formed in the corners of her eyes.

"Hey, you got something right here," she said, motioning to her own eyes.

Hime reached up and brushed them away. Were they... tears? Had she been crying? Something very weird was happening, and Hime did not like it. It was time to get to the bottom of this, time to get her memories back. Somehow.

"I think I need to talk with Ms. O'Malley," she said, brushing herself off out of habit, "I can't... put it off much longer. I need my memories back. My human memories."

Usoko nodded in understanding.
"Alright, that's probably a good idea. Do you want me to come with you? I don't mind, honest."

Hime considered the offer for a moment before shaking her head softly.
"Sorry Usoko, but this is something... I need to do for myself. Thank you."

Her morning exercise now complete, Usoko made her way to HQ in order to check in with Nonami as well as let her know about Hime's experience.

"I see," said the Vampire from behind her new desk, once Usoko had finished her report, "and she didn't mention anything at all about what she saw? You're certain?"

ChronoXAngel, Book 2: Winter SnowWhere stories live. Discover now