Chapter 6

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Earlier that day...

"From the beginning, huh?" Whispered Hime to herself, repeating Sarah's words back to her, "Alright... l-let's see. Well, my first memory that came back was of me playing a video game, the one Usoko called Mario."

The Banshee, sat next to her, nodded.
"Aye, I recall that. But can ya think of anythin' else from that moment? Maybe the color o' the room ya were in? Or the size?"

Hime glanced down, then closed her eyes and concentrated hard. She was a little afraid of that one memory coming back again, but she knew she had to figure this out. Putting as much brainpower as she could into it, the first memory started coming back! It was a bit fuzzy, like she was remembering a half-gone dream, but she could practically hear the chiptune music playing from an old crt television and behind it she saw...

"I see... an orange wall... next to the tv... a closet. There's something in the closet I treasure, but I don't know what..."

Sarah gently lay a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"That's alright. Try an' look around ya, see anything else ah note?"

Hime's face tightened, and ice crystals began forming on her forehead akin to sweat drops.
"I see... a bed. It's a bedroom. My bedroom... I see... magazines. Lots of them, but I can't read what they say... I..."

Her eyes snapped open, and she lurched forward, her skin somehow turning even more pale than it had been. Ice crystals akin to sweat began forming all over her body.

"I saw... I saw... I saw part of my death..."
Without a moment's hesitation, Sarah pulled Hime in close and hugged the girl tight. She knew exactly how traumatizing re-experiencing one's death could be, even just a little. She had done it before, on several occasions, and not always on purpose.
The Banshee never talked about how she had died, as it was not a topic she generally cared to share. She had once told Nonami, and even the usually stoic Vampire had given into a small peal of laughter from the sheer irony before apologizing profusely. Regardless of that, Sarah knew that Hime definitely needed to get out of here right now. After giving her several moments of silence, she decided the moment was right to speak.

"I know that, whatever ya just saw, it was horrible as all getout. I think what ye might need now is a day out, to get it off your mind. I know, it won't be easy but don't worry Lass, it's my treat. How does that sound?"

Hime glanced up at her new friend, streaks of frosty tears trailing down her cheeks, and smiled as best she could manage.

"That... sounds nice, yes... thank you, Ms. O'Malley."

"Just call me Sarah!" She replied with a grin and a wink, "All me friends do! Just give me a moment to change, an' we'll head out!"

Making their way outside, the two spectral ladies shifted into a fully invisible form so as not to draw any undue attention while floating before making their way towards downtown Fumizaki.
The city of Fumizaki Japan was founded in the 1970's by Nobuhiro Kobayashi, a Red Oni, who wanted to model it after the many quaint towns he had seen in his journeys across America. Something about them had fascinated the Oni and he wanted to bring that feeling back with him to Japan. Many shops and restaurants lined the streets, and there was even a western-style shopping mall on the far north side of town. In fact, it was this mall that Sarah and Hime were making their way towards, as the Banshee planned to basically spoil her little friend today. Touching down in a shaded corner with no security cameras or people around, Sarah shifted back to the visible spectrum and motioned for Hime to do the same. They got some odd looks as they entered, their pale skin and slightly shimmering hair even in human form looking a bit odd, but most people assumed they were just a couple of geeks and wrote it off.

ChronoXAngel, Book 2: Winter SnowWhere stories live. Discover now