Criminal!Dust X Cop!Blue

370 10 30

Title: Lovely Chase
Genre: Small action, Flirty, Heated Scene
Suggested by: TheLonerWraiter

🔵Blue's POV🔵
"Get back here you criminal!" If you're wondering what's happening, then let me explain. I am currently chasing after one of our wanted criminals. His name is Dust and he is a tricky one, we were trying to arrest him but he got away many, many times. I already lost some of my colleagues because of him! Now I'm the only one chasing him

He suddenly took a turn to a dark alley way, I followed suit. The alley was dark despite being daytime and it was also filled with graffiti. I took my gun out just in case and got deeper into the alley

The silence was hard to bare and it's almost hard to makeup anything, just as I was to take another step, a bone attack shot at my direction merely missing my foot. And just like that, a wave of bones was shot in my way. I dodged as much I can whilst creating a wall of bones as my shield. I aimed at his direction but a bone hit it my hand and the gun flew out of my hand, quickly getting destroyed

My magic is still unstable from the event last time, due to unknowingly wearing magic blockers, my magic was drained and became unstable. But because of that, I trained for other kinds of techniques in fighting

The wave of bone attacks soon stopped, I took a peek and there I saw him standing two meters away from the wall. His irises glowing in the dark alley, the shield disappeared and I was face to face with him

"Give up Dust, there's nowhere to go" I tried my best to look intimidating but he doesn't seem bothered, that jerk-! Tch!

"Well then officer Blue, why don't you come get me yourself~?" wha-?! What's with the tone all of a sudden?! Is he toying with me or something?! Nevermind

I cautiously approach him taking out a magic blocker handcuff. His cocky smile never left his face and it kinda annoyed me. As I was a meter away from him, he suddenly attacked but I was able to block myself. He kept punching and I kept dodging

His speed increased and he laughed "And here I thought you were a challenge!" his mockery was irritating

He suddenly kicked my feet and I fell down, he got on top of me. He kept punching and punching until I wrapped my legs around him and rolled both of us over

We quickly separated and I was panting, I think I injured my arm. I also somehow ended up on the other side of alley where the wall is. He glared at me and walked closer, I felt scared, I closed my eyes and kicked him.... erm-.... i-in the crotch... unknowingly

He fell backwards and hissed, he glared at me and quickly got back on his feet. His aura drastically changed and I can feel anger

"Y-You bitch.." my eyes widen, he looked insane from the way he looks at me, as if wanting to kill me right then and there

"You l-little bitch..." I tried to crawl backwards but my back hit the wall, I was cornered and no way of escaping

I used the wall as a support to stand up but he took both my arms and pinned them above me, I closed my eyes in fear and looked the other way. I felt his breathing near my face, I felt like crying

"You know, for someone as cute as you, you sure know how to fight. Heh" his face got closer and I can feel his hot breathing against my neck, I felt shivers go down my spine

"Heheh.. I have been watching you for quite some time now, and you just look lovely up close" he leaned even more *lick* "Eep!" I felt something wet lick my neck and I heard a squeak come out of my mouth

I heard him groan and he licked my neck again. My mouth opened and a moan escaped, but I felt something wet inside my mouth

I opened my eyes and saw him kissing me using his tongue. It felt slimy and I couldn't breath, I tried to push him using my tongue but it only made it worse. We fought for dominance but he won, I was running out of breath when he suddenly stopped, a string of blue and purple saliva connecting us both

I was panting hard whilst glaring at him, he smiled and licked his lips and went near my 'ear'

"Mm~ You taste delicious~" he lifted my head to look at him in the eyes, it was faint but I saw a pink heart in his iris. W-Wha-?

My legs felt wobbly and I feel my mind going hazy. Before I can do anything, he suddenly teleported and I was left there. My legs soon gave in and I fell down, my heart was racing and I was in shock and felt embarrassed

"M-My first kiss... wa-was stollen by... Dust" my breathing became heavy and I felt my face heating up "W-Why would he do that..?" I was beyond confused

Sorry but I made it a little heated
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hope you don't mind TheLonerWraiter

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