Vampire!Error X Mortal!Ink

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Title: Cuddles
Genre: Fluff

🎨Ink's POV🎨
They warned me! But I didn't listen! Now look at where you're at now Ink! Stupid!!

I ran and ran, even though it's fucking useless! They got dogs for Asgor's sake! Fucking DOGS!!

I kept running until I came across a nearby cave, but due to panic and I wasn't thinking, I enter and hid behind a wall. Even though it's no fucking use!!

I took some deep breaths while having a temper-tantrum in my head. I heard yelling and barking of dogs in the distance, panic bolting through my body as bead sized sweat drip down my skull

The barking got closer and closer until it was outside the cave, I took a little peek and saw them patrolling outside. Upon closer inspection, one of the dog's ears twitched and pointed at my direction and barked. I quickly hid and shut my eyes tight, praying that I wouldn't get caught

The barking got closer and louder but nothing else came, until I saw lights going through the cave, probably from the men chaising me. I stayed still staring at where the light went through, after a few minutes, creepy sounds echoed within the cave but I dare not move

Then it suddenly went quiet, I squinted my eyes to clearly see what's inside and saw movements. I widen my eyes as a swarm of bat suddenly flew out screeching and flying through all directions. I ducked and covered my head using my arms to try and dodge any in coming bats. The men ran screaming in fear along with their dogs who kept barking

After a minute or two, slowly few bats came out until there was no more. I took a peek and the coast was clear, I carefully exited the cave as relief washed over me. At this parts of areas, Vampires are very common and people sometimes mistakes a normal bat for a Vampire Bat. Thing is, there's a huge difference between normal bats and Vampire Bats

With a much more stable mind, I headed to the way I was supposed to be heading, tall trees were everywhere as I see the sun starting to set in the distance

After half an hour, I was able to finally make out a few familiar things, like that dirt path that I walk on everyday, and after walking some more, a big cottage slowly came into view. Pure relief came washing over me as I ran

I opened the door and was greeted by the familiar scent of fire burning in the fireplace. I slowly close the door and headed right to the kitchen and pass the dining room

I splashed my face with cold water feeling a little refreshed, I heard footsteps and creaking of stairs as someone went down

"Ugh, Ink?" I look behind me and see Error looking a little sleepy "Good evening Error, how was your sleep?" I said walking to him and cupping his cheeks, he leans on my touch and rubs his eye while yawning. He leans down and hugs me while resting his head on my shoulder, he started sniffing me and I can hear him growl. He moves my scarf a little and buries his face onto my neck

I pat his head telling him to stop, he growled but he stopped anyways, I cupped his cheeks again and gave him a smile, he nuzzled my hand and he starts purring. I giggle and let go heading back into the kitchen to make dinner, I see Error laying on the sofa still sleepy

"Error, dinner's ready!" I look to see him fast asleep on the couch with one of his arm covering his eyes. A sigh escaped my mouth as I approach him, I shook him lightly trying to wake him up but he just groans and turn away from me

"Error come on, the food's gonna be cold if we don't eat soon" I shake him more and he started to wake up. He groans and sat up practically still sleepy, we headed to the dining room and sat down and I started to eat

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